
joined 2 years ago
[–] entropicshart 4 points 3 months ago

Will how unfinished and buggy these games are all coming out, I’ll pick them up on sales after they have been finished and their spyware removed.

I forget the last title Ubisoft worked on that I was actually eager to play.

[–] entropicshart 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Bernie didn’t stand a chance because both of the “parties” are corrupt af. More candidates that don’t require some corporate controlled party to endorse them to actually show up on the ballot, is exactly what we need.

You can then take it further by outlawing absolutely any lobbying and sponsorships of political campaigns; have an equal amount of funds set aside that allows each candidate an equal amount of airtime/advertising/etc.. You could take it even further by having a government owned and dedicated channel for each candidate to showcase their agenda and goals that they’d like to run on, with proper fact checking and ability for voters to hold those candidates accountable post elections.

Simply saying “more candidates won’t fix it”, is the same as not doing anything at all. We need to separate all the corporate parties and interests from our democracy.

[–] entropicshart 10 points 3 months ago (3 children)

That clipboard history can get you into trouble if you’re not careful….


AI is still bad with fingers

[–] entropicshart 8 points 4 months ago (2 children)

They fucked up the game with the early seasons and finally turned things around starting season 3, and had great improvements through season 5.

Now they are literally force junking ALL the gear, seasonal or not, to make the same endgame that existed before, take longer.

So instead of actually working to add content, they:

  • half ass implemented runes, which were already a copy from D2, but implemented them in a broken way
  • turned glyphs into legendary gems of D3, but not as good again
  • split levels into more gated tiers, with no added value , knowing full well that the only tiers worth playing are going to be the ones that actual give you chance of decent gear
  • made loot drops a fucking joke, where even a tormented lvl 200 boss drops 3-4 items, of which ONE might be an ancestral, but it still has the huge shitty attribute pool, ensuring that most of the time, you’ll just be tossing life per second rolls.

Out of the 9 people I actively played D4/D3 with, all of which were excited for the expansion after seeing how well the last couple seasons went, not a single one bought the expansion and will likely be sitting out the next seasons until Blizzard gets their heads out of their asses once more.

[–] entropicshart 5 points 6 months ago (4 children)

Someone should tell them it’s Wolves

[–] entropicshart 5 points 7 months ago

Wait until he find out about the internet and all the “obscene” content it has, a simple search away from any electronic device his children have.

[–] entropicshart 2 points 7 months ago

Lenny needs some flair or global politics filter

[–] entropicshart 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, I went and read up on it after and it seems pretty clear that it is dependent on local laws.

I think the time to decry that topic was when those local laws were being passed for those affected…

[–] entropicshart 174 points 7 months ago

As someone who takes kids to speech therapists, it is not the same. Casual conversation is critical to help correct speech impediments, that practice with a therapist alone would not give.

[–] entropicshart 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Glad to see other folks have noticed this as well.

As a longtime Destiny fan, I was so excited to have Halo come in and take the spotlight and giving Bungie’s lazy ass a run for their money.

Instead halo flopped almost as hard as Anthem. Fucking sad.

[–] entropicshart 3 points 7 months ago

Uncut and make ALL their political actions, from elevator chat to meetings, completely public and redacted first

[–] entropicshart 9 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Destiny has not been fun to be into much for a long while. As someone who bought every expansion since day 1 of Destiny 2, my friends and I just got tired of Bungie blame game and will wait for when the expansion is on some dirt cheap sale to see the end of the story.


Currently there is a filter list under settings that shows keyword filters, but I have not been able to find any way to view and edit community/instance filters that have been created by blocking a community or instance.

Using TestFlight v0.4.1.2 on 12 pro max


When you up/down vote a post while in the post view, coming back out to the feed view does not reflect the vote.


I think Avelon has become one of the best Lemmy apps for iOS, but there is one issue that is preventing me from buying into Pro and making it my default: inline video only for video and gifs.

This is such a huge drawback to otherwise great app; the native player has simple, intuitive and familiar controls; allowing users to switch to horizontal, mute, pause, rewind/forward, etc.

Is support for the native player disabled intentionally or is this something that is in the works?

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