Can’t stand listening to tech “evangelists” talk about tech. It’s so hard no roll my eyes when someone goes on and on about how the _____ (block chain, AI, whatever buzz word we’re on now) will change the world. Like yes, but not in the way you are describing because it clear you fundamentally misunderstand the technology. I work in tech and there are really cool projects out there, and discussions with my peers are really insightful. However, when a person starts telling me how excited they are to get I chip in their brain to control their phone, I can’t help but wonder if they already have brain damage.
Heck yeah that last pizza sounds awesome! Haven’t used the “pizza” yeast but I have noticed a real difference with bread flour. The bread flour is a bit more elastic when shaping, it is easier to get to larger pies without tearing the dough. I have noticed that if you let it get too warm it gets really loose lol. I hope you enjoy your pizza journey, it’s a lot of trial and error. Tasty trial and error.
Hey that looks pretty dang good for a month in. Making pizza from scratch is tough. I had to make an extra dough ball for like the first 6 months because I would either tear the dough or it would fold over on the peal when I tried to launch it. It looks pretty nicely browned too so you’re off to a good start.
Otter 841? Is that you?
If you’re in the US check out Instock Trades for manga.
Their selection can be limited and it takes a while to ship; however, the prices are good and the packaging is as good or better than Rightstuf was. Also free shipping is at $50.
In this instance I am definitely pro owl. The humans ignored very clearly posted warnings about a territorial animal in the area and are shocked that the animal behaved aggressively. In this case, the owl was defending its territory and not going out if it’s was to target anyone.
As for a case of an animal being problematic enough for action, I am going to refer to our local menace Otter 841. Otter 841 is behaving very uncharacteristically for an otter. Instead of giving humans wide breadth, she actively swims up to surfers and climbs aboard. The issue here is that she is seeking out humans and engaging with them, which is dangerous for both the surfers and the otters. I guess the line for needing to take action is when an animal is both aggressive and actively seeking out humans. If the wild animals are only aggressive in situations where humans antagonize them, like violating their territory or cornering them, then the wild animals shouldn’t be put down. In the case of Otter 841, I like that their approach is to attempt to capture the otter and relocate her to a rehabilitation facility with no possibility of parole. I know it’s not always realistic to do so, but I don’t like defaulting to putting down wild animals. I agree though that aggressive domestic animals like dogs are a completely different situation.
I love the sheer glee in his voice when he gets to talk about libertarians. I highly recommend his podcasts on Crypto, the Libertarian Sea Nations, and the Titan Sub. He also really understands deep internet lore and does a really good job explaining it in a way for people not as familiar with the topics. Case and point, I found the episode with the founder of 8-chan to be extremely informative and a great nuanced discussion on the value of free speech and the limits. Anything with Billy Wade Davies is a treat too.
I was in London and the bar I was at was advertising margaritas as the drink special. I love margaritas so I ordered one with salt. Now I should have realized my mistake here because the bartender goes “we don’t make margaritas with salt”. I explained it goes on the rim. They nod and come back a few minutes later with a slushy machine margarita and a salt shaker. “Sorry ma’am I couldn’t get the salt to stick to the rim so here is the salt if you want to try”. It was a pretty terrible margarita but I appreciate that they tried so very hard even though they didn’t understand the assignment.
Really depends on the season. Right now I am loving my pumpkin spice chai and orange pekoe. White tea is my favorite for spring and there is a green cucumber that rocks for summer.
Tearmoon Empire let’s go!!!
Tragically high. There is a meme that Crunchy Roll will just toss your order in a box to ship. You’re lucky if they bother to toss a sheet of bubble wrap on too. RIP Rightstuf’s great packaging.
I am assuming they’re referencing South Park.