Those are Mayan numerals for those curious
Not really seeing anonymous sources cited here. This looks like good old fashioned speculation.
I'm not holding my breath here. People seem far too willing to put up with stuff they wouldn't otherwise because it's Twitter. Far too many news orgs still point people to Twitter accounts.
Apple wrote bugged TLS code that broke using unbraced ifs with a goto, hence the name "goto fail". You don't need a goto to break this code though. All you need is a second indented line under the if
#2 is also the most insideous to update. Add another indented line to one of the conditions and the cotrol flow completely breaks while visually appearing fine.
C and a number of other languages have annoying pair of parallel syntax systems that makes it easy for people to read code one way and computers to compile it another. People read the indentation and newlines while compilers count braces and semicolons. #2 gets rid of the braces and makes control flow driven by semicolons making human visual inspection more likely to fail
Please don't use #2. It is how you get the goto fail bug
Great and all just don't think about the rollover risk
I liked it until I got to the elevator. Then I got frustrated and stopped playing.
The first city level was great though
Something about making their own version of every app and than naming it k-something makes me think it's a cult.
It's not out yet and it's already been illegally parked
The atmosphere wants a word with you.
Was it this phone:
I'd probably walk out if I saw that thing. Not sure they ever sold any though.