There are a few router with 10gbps ports on the market, like asus gt-be98 pro. They don't actually run 10gbps since the processors can't keep up, but they do run well above 2.5gbps.
White hair by the door is Bell Cranel from danmachi. Not sure whothe person standing next to him is. Elf in green is sylphiette next to rudeus greyrat, both from mushoku tensei.
According to the example on this Wikipedia page you live in a village not a town. Just thought it was neat.
Isn't this old news? We've known about China and other countries hacking US infrastructure for decades. See:
If you have the same pixels on all the time then yes you'd have faster burn in. However, since you'd be looking at different text, this degradation would be spread over the different pixels. Not uniformly, but good enough that it doesn't matter for practical usage.
No because the white parts are what will burn in. Black is the off state for OLED. This is also why many apps for Lemmy (and previously reddit) have a dark theme option for OLED devices that uses full black instead of grey so that the pixels not in use are fully off.
Hidden Power doesn't exist in Gen 9. Although you can use Tera Blast with the appropriate Tera type to replicate that. Note that using your Tera on Heatran will also change your defensive typing for the 3 turns (?) it lasts.
They might have a ton of student loan debt (+vets don't make much) so their after-loan income is fairly modest.