I would argue encouraging violence towards marginalized people is unethical. Also there is no room for civilized discussion when one side believes the other doesn't deserve basic human rights. The marginalized people on our server should not have to argue for their own existence.
Me too!! And one that's healthy too :)
Definitely give it a try!
Zucchini bread always tasted more like cake to me so this combination didn't strike me as odd, actually!
I had carrot dogs at a vegan restaurant once and I gotta say it's really good! excited to try this recipe too :)
Thanks! I keep posting on here in hopes to build a place here that is as much a collection of vegan recipes as /r/VeganRecipes is. Sometimes I get worried people will think I am like the /r/hotdogs guy though lmao.
I love it. I took a break because I'm close to the end and I don't want it to end yet. So I'm taking a break by replaying Majora's Mask on the N64. Having a good time so far!
Mine just doesn't work. It gets up to 81 F in my apartment right now. Tomorrow is supposed to be hotter so it might be even worse tomorrow. 81 isn't so bad outside but it's a nightmare inside!! I don't have a great tolerance for heat though lol.
They used beyond sausage but I would recommend tofurky! Cheaper and I like the flavor! :)
I feel that. My apartment AC sucks and I have been suffering all weekend!! 😭
I've done crochet plushies before and can relate to it being very much a learning process lol. Always worth it to give someone something handmade though!
That's fair. I just copied what it was from the website and didn't consider that.