I learned to drive in a town where the on ramp to the highway came out of a roundabout so I actually did some learning! :)
I do this but after the name of the recipient I drop a semicolon
Starting in Let's Go you can access the Box system from anywhere - and it's called the Box Link. Unless the trainers all secretly cart off their pokemon to a mailbox while we aren't looking with the menu in our way it's probably digitizing.
It's not that Israel controls the US Gov't - it's that having them as an ally in the Middle East is so valuable that the government is willing to protect them even when they're in the wrong
There was this one wildtangent BMX game I played the crap out of as a kid, I wonder if I can find that one again
but what about... the bunny turtle...
Isn't it the decryption keys? and also the fact that they used an unreleased leak of tears of the kingdom to playtest paywalled compatibility?
And how much can we supply in resources to the bottom 50% by taking even from just the top 1000 richest people?
I do too - at work I use chatbots for memes and powershell scripts, but at home it's all for the erotica
weird. I learned to drive in Massachusetts and didn't encounter this.
Consider that the earth is ~12700 km in diameter
one of my exes was a sex repulsed allo and unfortunately that was part of why we broke up