Gaslight Obstruct (Mercator) Project
Walz was the best part of that ticket, up until they muzzled him. He was surprisingly popular across party lines, I don't see anyone else who accomplishes that. The campaign failed despite him, not because of him. I don't agree with anyone saying he's a bad pick because the Harris campaign was a failure. He'd be an excellent, effective choice.
I'm talking about physically altering the outside world: creating a giant painting, growing a garden, building a house, etc. Anything that takes longer than one day to physically achieve will reset, undoing your progress.
Both of those have multiple other uses, good and bad. Maaan is used for amazement and girrrl is used for incredulity.
Except everything which physically takes longer than 24 hours.
Personally, I am attracted to feminine bodies but not masculine ones; I am attracted to female genitalia but not male. That leaves cis women and fully post-op trans women. If you're narrowing that from general attraction to actually seriously dating, I want biological children with my partner, which pretty much settles the matter.
I would imagine most people feel roughly the same.
I generally don't get haircuts before and during winter, but once it heats up again I keep it short.
Only if you let them. I do all these things without regard to skill. Maybe surround yourself with more laid back people?
Leave the keys upon the table
Dress shoes, nice shoes, work shoes, sneakers, boots, flip flops, house slippers. Enough to properly cover my use cases, without having multiple pairs for any one use.
why are wealthy creeps allowed to get away with shit like this
Because they are wealthy. Wealth buys lawyers, accountants, politicians, private security, private planes, private islands. Law enforcement resources are finite, a sufficiently motivated and very wealthy person can exploit any system.
This is where you lost me.