we have to improve genitals. they come quite ugly and need aftermarket work. they need to reach their best state, which we have yet to achieve.
We could take a walk and you could kiss me on the veranda….
jeezus Christ Lemmy. what's up with the downvotes?there is one response at this time and 16 downvotes. the response isnt even disagreeing with the sound theory presented, just saying that our system is too fucked up to work right.
I thought this community was better than this.
I've never heard of replacing 1 tire. it's usually in pairs. never been told to replace all 4 with my awd either.
that's an interesting idea. would they have to compile individual versions for the testers? will it work after final release and people stop having NDAs and can compare several copies with each other?
Are your talking about the ibm version? I liked it and it was great for work because it could really multitask. I had a pretty good system though so no really long boots. my issue was that it couldn't handle any gaming, so back to dos for me as well. crazy that it's been all these years with windows, some good some bad, and now windows is shooting itself in the foot just as Linux is becoming a system that can finally handle anything.
we politely, but firmly, ask them to leave.
my 1000w couldn't get me up a steep hill. we aren't all dainty.
the downvote button shouldn't be a disagree button, but a your not adding anything to the conversation button.