Heh thanks, but it’s just that I’m printing 2000+sqft of high res pdfs from many gigs of files at a time.
Maybe I should have specified print to PDF.
Say I print something, and it’s going to take 5 minutes, I go and work on an email or something, and the save dialog pops up and what I’m typing for the email starts going into/overwrites the save name. Hate it.
Bernie said “could care less” in his response to the sotu last night. Made me cringe.
I think they are saying that if you do everthingg in that list, meaning perfectly secure everything yourself, that it’s a useless service because that’s the list of things it does. It seems to be written by a sarcastic asshole.
looks to me like they just changed the phrasing. am I misreading it?
I find it amazing and surprising
there's is a lot of nuances with those top three. they sound pretty good as an idea but I'm against trumps definition and actions on each of those items
fingers crossed.
Trump pandemic 2:The Flu Boogaloo
Discord intuitivel? It’s got the worst hi I’ve ever seen. Maybe I’m just old.