a good place to get the seeds are from the peppers. sorry I don't know the name though.
I don't understand. where does the water go? are they using evaporative cooling?
check out the new aisan hammerhead worms! 1ft long and they regenerate if you cut em up! https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2024/05/01/hammerhead-worms-ontario-how-to-kill/
this would imply they think they have control over non tik Tok social media? doubt. I think this is just old confused people being old confused.
b5’s first season is all setup. it getsgoing a bit later on for some of the best tv ever imo
maybe it's in the coils?
there are no normal people here, but I can say I don't have to think about where I'm looking all the time. well, I sometimes have to catch myself not checking out cleavage.
just teens? how does that work??
I've been using unlimited for the past 4-5 months and questioning the same. the email is ok, but I can't commit to switching 20 years of stuff over. the pass is pretty bad at autofill and making new passwords unless I'm just missing something. the vpn works, but I don't really need it. I want to like and use the service but it's all just eh.
I had no idea they changed the menu so much. I haven been in 10 years. “The Beast”?!?! and they didn't even bring back the canoe cut?
that was an amazing read. thanks. I didn't expect to be up so late and totally captivated.