All IVF patients now have 38 dependent children which should help with state taxes.
No one would have any teeth
Face off between the health system and unnecessary middle men. Fuck insurance companies. They are completely unneeded.
I would hope it is a nuclear powered laser or even a emp, as opposed to a nuclear bomb. With the Kessler syndrome and what not.
You get an aneurysm, you get an aneurysm! Everyone gets an aneurysm! Yay!!!
So I guess no one told Russia about the Kessler effect? There is a movie, Gravity, that deals with it a bit.
Setting off a nuclear bomb in space to destroy multiple satellites I assume could start a chain reaction that would make it impossible for us to use earth orbits for future satellites or to even deliver any payloads at all into space.
Although might be good protection from aliens?
Confused. Is it unhealthy to continue using the cheerios as a cock ring or not?
Imagine delivering food aid to starving people and then calling them gangs of criminals when they steal said food.
Both are possible, but until we have an actual rehabilitation system we will continue to incarcerate innocent people I suppose
Well, considering we don’t actually have any rehabilitation in the United States….. you’re basically arguing that we should continue to trample on the human rights of prisoners because you believe that there are people who can not be rehabilitated.
I hear it’s okay to suck a few cocks as long as you clearly say, “no homo” first. Just a fyi if you were seriously considering giving in to your sinful thoughts.
The one we live in, where software is being sold to consumers with terms of service that say customers don’t own the software they bought.