[-] TheRealLinga 2 points 8 hours ago

I found the pedant!

[-] TheRealLinga 2 points 2 days ago

I love that I get this reference!

[-] TheRealLinga 0 points 4 days ago

Gotta love how you got downvoted for simply asking questions!

For shame, Lemmy. For shame!

[-] TheRealLinga 14 points 5 days ago

Mads knows what's up

[-] TheRealLinga 61 points 3 months ago

The cop in the comic, probably

Insomnia (self.asklemmy)
submitted 3 months ago by TheRealLinga to c/[email protected]

Why does it have to always hit me so randomly? Some nights I beg my brain to stay awake past 9 and then there's nights like this where I'm wide awake for no reason

[-] TheRealLinga 45 points 5 months ago

Yeeeeeeeeshhhh good fuck them then I hope they all burn

[-] TheRealLinga 40 points 6 months ago

That kid looks so dumbfounded! The shock of getting a PS5 (I think that's a PS5?) vs. the shock of touching a pile of shit was too much for her brain to handle

[-] TheRealLinga 49 points 6 months ago

Found the big car CEO! I know your tricks!

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by TheRealLinga to c/patientgamers

Hey everybody! My wife and I have recently been playing Destiny 2. It's excellent imo and both of us are having tons of fun, except for one little detail...

We need a third person!

We both like to take our time with levels, enjoy the scenery, role-playing our characters... and with most of the level thingies (strikes, vanguard) its required that we have another player with us.

Sometimes that goes well, but more often than not we end up with someone who just rushes through. Totally kills the whole point of why we play!

Is there anyone out there interested in playing with us? Or have advice for finding others besides the fireteam finder thingy? That hasn't really worked so far.

I hope this doesn't violate any rules for posting on this instance!

Thanks everyone!

Edit: fixed the title so people would stop thinking I'm asking for a threesome

[-] TheRealLinga 75 points 7 months ago

Nah, those guys are truck jousters, on the way to face off with their arch enemies

submitted 8 months ago by TheRealLinga to c/[email protected]

Hi everyone! I need some help. I'm in my mid-thirties, and I had a growing career that, since covid, has gotten so flaky I can't properly provide for my family anymore. I have always been interested in tech, and would like to start a career but I'm not sure how to.

Can anyone in the field give me some advice? I don't have much college experience, only did 1 year 17/18 years ago. Looks like I need some sort of college degree, which I'm fine with.

I also saw some online "bootcamp" things... are they good? I would like to do something where I was helping companies be protected from hackers and work from home as much as possible. White hat hacker type of thing... if that's real!

Thank you everyone!

spAghettI .. rl (self.airl)
submitted 8 months ago by TheRealLinga to c/[email protected]

[-] TheRealLinga 33 points 8 months ago

That's awesome! Just plug everything that uses alot of power into those outlets and free energy!

[-] TheRealLinga 57 points 10 months ago

This feels like some alt-right anti EV car propaganda

weird brown shroomies (self.MushroomID)
submitted 10 months ago by TheRealLinga to c/[email protected]

Hey! My neighbor has these growing out behind her house and is concerned they may be hazardous to her plants. Could anyone identify them for me? Thank you!

submitted 1 year ago by TheRealLinga to c/main

Pretty much title. Went to Lemmy this morning, not able to look at stuff outside shit just works. Well, this morning shit just doesnt work!

Thoughts? (self.main)
submitted 1 year ago by TheRealLinga to c/main

Hi everybody!

I came here, like many others, in the mass migration of reddit. This post is not about that. I've heard enough of that. Time to move on!

This post is about shit just works! I love this federation! (Is that the right thing to say?) Anyways I was thinking about what subs I could contribute. What does everyone think about...

A sub about beginner guitar help? A sub about God of War? A sub about about Chris Cornell? I don't know... wait. Do these things already exist? I forgot to check. Shit. Maybe someone else should make them? I'm obviously incompetent. That's assuming anyone else would be interested and that they don't exist already...

Alright I'm gonna go now

submitted 1 year ago by TheRealLinga to c/[email protected]

After I log in, I'm often getting the "log in first" message when I try to visit any communities. Half the time I have to just click on my login name and it says I'm already logged in, and then I can continue. The other half I find I'm logged out and have to log back in.

Not a huge deal, but a bit tedious. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

[-] TheRealLinga 123 points 1 year ago

Honestly I'm not even sure what the term web3 means but Lemmy does feel... less commercial, which is really refreshing! And I'm noticing alot less criticizism which is excellent. I'm certainly going to be staying here and trying to help it grow in a positive and mindful way.

I get what others are saying about it feeling like how the internet used to be... I'm really excited to see where Lemmy goes. Hopefully it doesn't just end up the way its predecessors have gone! Feels like I'm part of a movement to fight the oppression!! Power to the people woo!

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joined 1 year ago