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[–] ThatsMrCharlieToYou 2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

What's that but another opportunity for a different AI to assess security strength?

[–] ThatsMrCharlieToYou 15 points 10 months ago

I think this matter boils down to the following: Nuclear is better than fossil fuels (by a significant margin) but the spin up time and investment is significant, too significant for many. Such little investment has been made in the last 10 or so years that investing now when the world is on the precipice of being able (though clearly, not very willing) to use wholly renewable sources seems like a better investment, even with the various pitfalls of each respective source. Energy storage has come a long way and with significant leaps every few years, it seems that energy storage + renewables is the way forward but it's sad to see the missed nuclear opportunity. Like so many other promising and environmentally friendly(er) ideas, it has unfortunately been passed over when the time was right and will not be utilised sufficiently.

[–] ThatsMrCharlieToYou 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

Considering the affected models, this is absolutely ludicrous. Those vehicles already suffer from diminished battery capacities, with some being around the 50% mark at this point, so to further corrode owner experience is ridiculous. Early adopters paved the way for the current spate of EVs so punishing them for this is outrageous. The article states 2G networks will remain live for almost another 6 years. Giving that reason as the cause of the loss of functionality is so disingenuous it is beyond belief. What a way to inspire confidence in your company...

[–] ThatsMrCharlieToYou 1 points 1 year ago

This is pretty cool. Nice to see some community feedback (even if it is passive) be utilised in decision making. Not what I expected after the recent change to the pro scene but best to take what we can get right now.

[–] ThatsMrCharlieToYou 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I've not read most on yours bar Piranesi which is genuinely wonderful. I really enjoyed that.

My wishlist is an absolute mess. Every time I finish a book, instead of removing one from my list, I find a new book and occasionally add to it. Here it is:

  • Echogenesis

"Ocean At The End Of The Lane" by Neil Gayman

Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson

A discovery of witches.

The witching hour.

The Circle

The god box

Project Hail Mary

Bloodsworn book 3 - when it's released

[–] ThatsMrCharlieToYou 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I'll pile in on what is already pretty well answered. I loved the entire series. The first book feels different to the remaining 3 but I did not find the remaining 3 lacking. By no means are they perfect but in some way, that's better. As some other people have mentioned, there is some controversy surrounding the Endymion books but I found out after reading them which confirmed by suspicions after reading the books. Some politics definitely leaks in so you'll have to make up your own mind on whether or not you'd like to partake.

In an attempt to answer your question though, yes, the sequels are worth reading in my opinion. No book is yet to replicate the scope of the world that is created in Hyperion. I love the lore that creeps in and the individuality of the characters which is best showcased in book 1 but is definitely present in book 2. The overall story is incredibly well told and satisfying. The end of book 2 was great, I did not realise until reading comments that others did not enjoy it as much as I did. Books 3 and 4 tell a different, yet related story, which is also genuinely wonderful. I was swept away in to the Hyperion universe by all of them.

If you do decide to read them, I hope you enjoy.

As a side note, the audiobooks are great but the narrator is not consistent with certain names and locations which is, to this day, one of my biggest pet peeves about audiobooks (albeit generally)

[–] ThatsMrCharlieToYou 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Revanced all the way, baby!

[–] ThatsMrCharlieToYou 9 points 1 year ago (4 children)

It must be so difficult to recognise the difference between agenda driven propaganda and genuine reporting, especially if the infrastructure for free press isn't there. It's really sad when you think about it

[–] ThatsMrCharlieToYou 3 points 1 year ago

What a surprise! Jeremy Hunt making claims that are both inaccurate and downright idiotic. Crazy that the shill is just regurgitating rubbish from his corporate pals.

The independent body is not the source of the claim, as suggested by Hunt, that UK gas is four times cleaner than imported gas. This figure comes from the oil and gas industry and has been disputed because it does not account for the emissions caused by burning gas, which account for nearly all of its carbon footprint.

I cannot believe that people are still supportive of any government that values the pliability of it's MPs over the well-being of our country and planet.

[–] ThatsMrCharlieToYou 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Are they African pigmy hedgehogs? They are all so cute

[–] ThatsMrCharlieToYou 63 points 1 year ago (11 children)

I hear the narrative that people shouldn't protest in this way but I have taken to asking what is the alternative? If you are silent, your discontent will go unnoticed. The real problem is that we are having to do this at all. As far as I'm concerned, these people are genuine heroes, fighting against a lobby masquerading as a government. A damn shame

[–] ThatsMrCharlieToYou 5 points 1 year ago

I was not aware of that! Thank you for mentioning it. It has always seemed crazy to me that customers have no charge over assets on bankruptcy. In a better world, that'd be the case but that's not the world we live in.

As an aside, this is the sort of thing that is going to hinder investment in small firms in the auto industry, further compiling the issue of a few manufacturers setting ridiculous prices for their vehicles.

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