submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Title. It seems excessive. Even when I fully power it down it tends to drop a lot more than I'd expect.


[-] [email protected] 27 points 1 month ago

In my early twenties I was looking for a field of work that was semi environmentally friendly. I had grown up in southern Alberta where it's all factory farming, mono culture crops, and O&G. For a minute (as a prairie kid) I thought tree planting might be a good way. Basic research even back then showed me that young women who expect to get pregnant within the next fifteen years should not be handling seedlings because the fungicides and pesticides dusted on the root balls are so toxic. Then there's the GMO monoculture of the species of trees they're replanting with.

End of the day I didn't feel like contributing to the next wave of suburb and luxury condo developments. Rednecks always like to say "they grow back" when we talk about protecting old growth forests and it's obvious that trees (individually) can be grown on a given plot of land (like wheat in a season on the plains)... But the conversation ends when we talk about how it takes millennia to grow the type of environmental diversity primal forests have established.

Oh no! Pine Beatles and drought and other things are affecting our crop of trees! Who could've predicted such a thing!?? Bailout please.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 2 months ago

Worked at Shopify for over two years and left voluntarily ahead of wave three of mass layoffs. Watched dozens of great people get shafted for cost-cutting. And I am still close with someone who trains our overseas replacements. To be clear, I have zero bones to pick with our peers working overseas, they're also great people. What I have a problem with is Shopify's explosive growth over lockdowns necessitating over-hiring (in their words) and meanwhile the user base nearly tripled over the same period.

They didn't lay people off because the workload eased up. They did it because they reached peak inflection enshittify status. They trimmed thousands of locals, contracted out for pennies on the dollar, and wall street and the enterprise clients now know they're willing to spill blood to thrive. Shopify is now part of the tech cool kids club.

It's not even ironic that they don't want to chip in for the Canadian tax base. They don't need Canada anymore. They're only staying here on paper because our legal system is more forgiving than almost anywhere else. They're laughing, heartily.


[-] [email protected] 38 points 2 months ago

He has a podcast too called Better Offline. Just started it up a few months ago.

[-] [email protected] 28 points 3 months ago

Fuckin Boeing at it again.

[-] [email protected] 42 points 3 months ago

Canadian here. Enbridge is a fuckin dbag tyrant company. You wanna really get into it? Look up how 80% of the trans-national (and evil) mining companies ransacking the environment across the globe are based here too.

This whole Canadians are nice thing needs to go away.

[-] [email protected] 46 points 3 months ago
  1. If every psycho and their dog knew there was a parachute onboard for them it would happen often that some drunk asshole decided today was they day they're gonna jump from a commercial flight
[-] [email protected] 26 points 3 months ago

Within two years of Gmail going viral people were screaming from the tops of any soap box, tree and mountain You are the product!! but as these things always go, very few people paid attention.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
Litter? (www.petmd.com)
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Why is a group of baby kittens called a "litter" and then the same word is flipped to denote the stuff they pee and poop in, throughout their lives if they live indoors? 🤔

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 37 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Have been thinking about this for a couple years. I have old phones kicking around. Battery shot, hardware dated, but the camera(s) and mic and antennas still work. Would be cool if there were a way to set them up (powered) to stream audio/video or even take stills at intervals (or motion-activated) and then sync the content to the rest of the devices on my network.

I don't know how complex the programming for something like this would be. But I suspect it's trivial for those who do know.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Anyone remaining in Yellowknife, Ndılǫ and Dettah must leave by noon on Friday (Aug 18th), residents were told in a fresh, blanket evacuation order for the city on Wednesday evening.

City has a population of over 20k. The pop. of the NWT is estimated at around 45k. Where is everyone going to go?

[-] [email protected] 46 points 11 months ago

I work at a vpn/adblocker company and we just finished releasing an updated mv3 extension that does block ads effectively (among other things) but the feature set is limited vs mv2 because of the changes. Furthermore, google has actually pushed back their mandated release schedule for mv3 compliance because something less than 30% of the extensions on their store are anywhere close to ready for it (which if they pushed ahead with mv3 they would effectively break 70% of what's on there overnight).

The DRM shit is just next-level bad though. Enshitification 101.

[-] [email protected] 144 points 1 year ago

I quit a well known ecomm tech company a few months ago ahead of (another) one of their layoff rounds because upper mgmt was turning into ultra-wall street corpo bullshit. With 30% of staff gone, and yet our userbase almost doubling over the same period, they wanted everyone to continue increasing output and quality. We were barely keeping up with our existing workload at that point, burnout was (and still is) rampant.

Over the two weeks after I gave my notice I discovered that in the third-party app ecosystem many thousands of apps that had (approved) access to the Billing API weren't even operating anymore. Some had quit operating years ago, but they were still billing end-users on a monthly basis. Many end-users install dozens of apps (just like people do with mobile phones) and then forget they ever did so. The monthly rates for these apps are anywhere from 3 to 20 dollars per month, many people never checked their bank statements or invoices (when they eventually did, they'd contact support to complain about paying for an app that doesn't even load and may not have for months or years at this point).

I gathered evidence on at least three dozen of these zombie apps. Many of them had hundreds of active installs, and were billing users for in some cases the past three years. I extrapolated that there were probably in the high-hundreds or low-thousands of these zombie apps billing users on the platform, amounting to high-thousands to low-tens-of thousands of installs... amounting to likely millions per year in faulty and sketchy invoicing happening over our Billing API.

Mgmt actually did put together a triage team to address my findings, but I can absolutely assure you the only reason they acted so quickly is because I was on the way out of the company. I'd spotted things like this in the wild previously and nothing had ever been done about it. The pat answer has always been well people are responsible for their own accounts and invoicing. I believe they acted on this one because I was being very vocal about how it would be 'a shame' if this situation ever became public, and all those end-users came after the company for those false invoices at one time. It would be a PR and Support nightmare.

You have definitely interacted with this ecommerce platform if you shop online.

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