
joined 2 years ago
[–] Susaga 19 points 18 hours ago

I mean, I haven't, but that's because I don't play Warthunder.

[–] Susaga 7 points 20 hours ago

It's completely in context. We have the complete context. It's in response to an AI generated walk cycle, and he specifically called out the technology as something he never wants to work with. The people he spoke to said they wanted to make an AI that can draw like humans do, which is how generative AI is described.

[–] Susaga 4 points 4 days ago

Granted. A cataclysm sunders the earth, reducing it to roughly the size of Charon. The moon is now a dwarf planet like Pluto, and we are its moon.

[–] Susaga 5 points 1 week ago

I learned that from Lizzie McGuire. Ethan Craft, the character frequently noted to have amazing hair, calls the "lather, rinse, repeat" thing a marketting trick.

[–] Susaga 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I don't know, and who the fuck cares. Why did you specify religion? Answer the question or shut the fuck up.

[–] Susaga 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

Why did you specify American jews? You're either very stupid or intentionally reading my comment wrong, because I explicitly said "why specify the jews" one line down.

[–] Susaga 5 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Why did you specify American jews, then? Historally, all Americans treated blacks poorly, as did all of europe. Why specify the jews while making no mention of the non-jews doing the same thing?

Everything else you said was just paper-thin excuses. Your comment was present tense, so it's not about history. Your claim in that other thread was disproven and you only said "lol" in response. Nobody is buying it because we know the actual reason you said your comment. And so do you.

[–] Susaga 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I checked your comment history since you didn't post it yourself. You claimed MBFC was biased, they asked for an example, and you refused. You even acted like THEY were being lazy because YOU didn't want to do the legwork of explaining your own opinion. You were absolutely being a bit of an arse.

That said, I don't know if it's ban-worthy, and it's a damn unprofessional ban at that. I think BPR fits best.

[–] Susaga 0 points 1 week ago

You wanted them to do the work of citing your sources. That's pretty entitled, dude.

[–] Susaga 1 points 1 week ago

Ironically, Elon Musk has a cameo in that movie. But he pretends to be a success, so Justin Hammer's still a better fit.

[–] Susaga 2 points 1 week ago

These idiots deserve all the nicest things.

[–] Susaga 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

"I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead."

~ Mark Twain

If it takes longer to write the truth, then it's telling you took the quicker approach.


He picks it up, takes one look at the front page, sighs, and puts the paper back down.

He does this day after day, never looking at anything but the front page before putting it down. Eventually, the news vendor decides to ask "excuse me, why do you buy the newspaper every day, then just put it down?"

"Well, I only bought it to check the obituaries."

"But you only check the front page. They don't put obituaries on the front page."

"They will for the guy I'm looking for."


One of them knows how to read, one of them knows how to write, and one of them keeps an eye on those two intellectuals.


A man is sitting on a bench in the hallway, waiting to be called to give testimony, when a judge passes by. The judge is in a fit of chuckles, even wiping a tear from his eye.

"Comrade judge, is something funny?"

"Oh, I just heard the funniest joke. I keep playing it in my head and it keeps making me laugh."

"That good? Do you mind telling it to me?"

"I can't. I just gave someone 20 years for it."


You've just been kidnapped by, bear with me, an intelligent animal who can read your social media posts and, bear with me, your only way to ask for help is by leaving subtle messages within your post, BEAR WITH ME.


"But you ARE a lawyer."

"Yeah, so where's my present?"


So they can hide in cherry trees.

Alright, why don't you ever see elephants hiding in cherry trees?

Because they're very good at it.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Susaga to c/[email protected]

That's an offer that's hard to turn down, or at least to look into a little. And the sign is right by the house with the dog sat on the porch, so it's easy enough to check out.

"So, you can talk, huh?"

"Yep" says the dog.

The man is surprised and impressed. "How did you learn to talk?"

"Oh, I was part of a government program run by the CIA to create a new genus of super dog, genius level intellect and top quality skills. I was the only one of the litter who could talk, so they fast tracked me up to being an agent. They taught me how to use a gun with my mouth, how to drive with my paws, how to diffuse a bomb with my tail, and even how to parachute into hostile territory. Apparently, thanks to the genius genes, I learned even faster than the human agents, and I was sent to Russia as a spy within a month.

"I had an amazing time chatting up the local pooches, begging diplomats for treats, and feeding top secret info back to the states. My work even helped delay the war on Ukraine by 2 years, but I blew my cover when I called Putin a jerk straight to his face. He sent his top guys after me, and I had to flee through the city. Jumped onto a train through Serbia and swam across the Bering Strait into Alaska.

"Unfortunately, Putin sent an assassin after me as I was moving through Canada, and he caught my dominant paw. I had to take the guy out with one of my ears, but I managed to survive, and my wounds healed really well. Now I'm retired, so I decided to keep this town safe."

"Holy crap" says the man, transfixed. When the dog's owner comes out, he looks up at the guy and asks "Why the heck are you selling him for only $5?"

"Cause he's a frickin liar! He's never spent a day outside of Utah!"


They couldn't see that well.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Susaga to c/[email protected]

The genie appears before him and declares "I am a powerful genie! Due to budget cuts, I will only be granting one wish, but you can wish for anything you desire and I shall make it come true!"

The farmer wastes no time. "My neighbour, Peter, was once as poor as me. One day, he received a cow as a gift, and he began to sell the milk. Suddenly, he is earning twice as much. He could afford to fix the roof, he bought new clothes, and he even took a day off to have wild sex with his wife. That cow made his life so much better than it was before."

The genie nods. "I see. So, your wish is..."

"Kill his cow."


He couldn't see that well.


Real person, fictional character, or even just hypothetical: I wanna hear it!

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Susaga to c/[email protected]

There are only two survivors, both of whom are Christian men. They start walking, hoping to find civilisation and a source of food and water. Each sand dune is hell, but they push themselves forward to climb over it. Days pass and their thirst aches their throats, but they keep walking. Finally, their journey pays off, and a village comes into view.

One of the men turns to the other and says "look, we're in a muslim country, and it's a desperate situation. I say we pretend to be muslim. They'll take better care of us for it."

The other man looks aghast. "What? No! I'm a Christian and proud! I have nothing to be afraid of."

As dawn breaks and their legs are about to drop, the men reach the village. A man spots the pair and approaches them, wearing a robe, an imama, and sporting a lengthy beard. "Who are you?"

"I'm Muhammed" says the first man, his real name Peter.

"I'm John" says the second man.

The muslim man takes John by the shoulder, pulling him into the village. "It must have been a long walk, you must be tired. Please, we have plenty of food and water, and there should be a bed for you somewhere."

Then he turns to Peter and opens his arms wide, a warm smile on his face. "Salaam, Muhammed! Happy Ramadan!"

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