It's completely in context. We have the complete context. It's in response to an AI generated walk cycle, and he specifically called out the technology as something he never wants to work with. The people he spoke to said they wanted to make an AI that can draw like humans do, which is how generative AI is described.
Granted. A cataclysm sunders the earth, reducing it to roughly the size of Charon. The moon is now a dwarf planet like Pluto, and we are its moon.
I learned that from Lizzie McGuire. Ethan Craft, the character frequently noted to have amazing hair, calls the "lather, rinse, repeat" thing a marketting trick.
I don't know, and who the fuck cares. Why did you specify religion? Answer the question or shut the fuck up.
Why did you specify American jews? You're either very stupid or intentionally reading my comment wrong, because I explicitly said "why specify the jews" one line down.
Why did you specify American jews, then? Historally, all Americans treated blacks poorly, as did all of europe. Why specify the jews while making no mention of the non-jews doing the same thing?
Everything else you said was just paper-thin excuses. Your comment was present tense, so it's not about history. Your claim in that other thread was disproven and you only said "lol" in response. Nobody is buying it because we know the actual reason you said your comment. And so do you.
I checked your comment history since you didn't post it yourself. You claimed MBFC was biased, they asked for an example, and you refused. You even acted like THEY were being lazy because YOU didn't want to do the legwork of explaining your own opinion. You were absolutely being a bit of an arse.
That said, I don't know if it's ban-worthy, and it's a damn unprofessional ban at that. I think BPR fits best.
You wanted them to do the work of citing your sources. That's pretty entitled, dude.
Ironically, Elon Musk has a cameo in that movie. But he pretends to be a success, so Justin Hammer's still a better fit.
These idiots deserve all the nicest things.
"I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead."
~ Mark Twain
If it takes longer to write the truth, then it's telling you took the quicker approach.
I mean, I haven't, but that's because I don't play Warthunder.