I have seen a lot of homeless in downtown Toronto who have a cart or backpack of belongings, and sleep directly on the subway vents with no tent. I get what the other guy is asking, I also don’t see how these metal silhouettes are going to stop someone sleeping on that grate.
The issue with keeping your emergency fund in an index fund is that the odds of your own personal crisis coinciding with a more widespread crisis is high. I got furloughed in April 2020. Had my emergency fund been in index funds, I would have had to realize all those market losses in order to use my emergency fund, which would have meant my emergency fund would have been a fraction of what it actually was since it was in a savings account.
I like the idea, but why the fuck is Hank cooking on a charcoal bbq? Does he want to taste the heat and not the meat?!?
I live in Canada and I bbq’ed dinner a couple days ago. We didn’t eat outside, of course, since it’s -10, but grilling is still a go-to method of cooking.
Dude, so dark… I love it.
Again, I’m with the “fuck cars” ideology. I am not against you. But this is a dumb take.
Should there be shooting ranges everywhere? No. Is the fault of people using shooting ranges that you ran out into one and got shot because you don’t feel it should be there? No.
Maybe it shouldn’t. That’s a fair argument. But you saying that a guy is a murderer when he shot someone when they ran in front of him at a shooting range is not an argument that is going to gain any favor with anyone who isn’t already firmly in your camp, which means that argument is pointless.
I’m not saying don’t advocate for more walkability, but that doesn’t mean walking out into traffic in your neighborhood and getting hit is doing anyone any good. You get hit, drivers think you’re dumb, it was ultimately your fault, the movement for more walkability in urban areas gets set back because some dummy walked into traffic and resulted in a loss of respect from the public about the ideology. Don’t be a detriment to progress out of your own stubbornness of naivety about how progress actually works.
More like shooting a gun at a shooting range, where you have a space you’re supposed to shoot, and someone is running across that range and gets hit. Are you a murderer then?
I get the “fuck cars” mentality, I’m with you, but making bad arguments doesn’t help our cause.
Hindsight is 20:20. It may seem obvious when you’re sitting here reading about it, but if my buddy was suddenly paralyzed I’d probably be too preoccupied with keeping his blood moving and oxygenated to have the extra processing power to think about whether his eyes needed to be closed.
Guys, I found Jeff!
Anyone who has ever dipped their toe in aviation knows the overspend warning never stops. Best to just have it deactivated entirely.
Ontario has beaches.
I would also like to know.