[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

This app is cheugy af fam no cap fr fr on God if u download dis you stannin for the boujee this app high key has no drip big yikes if you on it u basic

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

"hooray convenience, fuck your livelihood."

This is literally how everyone behaved when bank tellers were replaced by ATMs, when coal diggers were replaced by drills, when daily laborers were replaced by tractors, when Morse code operators were replaced by the telephone, when travel agents were replaced by websites, when warehouses and factories started delivering you your Amazon package in 1 day instead of 5 because they replaced humans with machines...

And now that technology is coming for artists instead of all the other jobs it replaced so far, now you wanna go back to the way things were?

Get with the times. I don't wish this situation upon anyone, it's devastating to see your profession reduced to a few clicks, but it's silly to say "nah, THIS change is crossing the line". Hundreds of millions of people before you lost their job to new tech. Let me know when you hire a town crier instead of whipping out your phone and searching for the news, and I'll hire you for a painting instead of getting AI to apply some paint-like filters on a photo. Until then, I'm sorry but your job is in the process of being rendered obsolete, like so many others before it.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 1 day ago

Man I wish something I did had 10 award nominations and people still said my career crashed and burned.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago

So what you're saying is, physical violence against kids works to prevent symptoms of ADHD&autism from being too debilitating? Cause I'm not sure that's the message you wanna put out there.

[-] [email protected] -2 points 2 days ago

I just send the butler to roam the streets looking for some orphans who would like to blow-dry me.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 2 days ago

If your kids ain't neutered you better be home schooling them cause if I catch them in school tryna fuck my kids they're not gonna live to see the pound.

[-] [email protected] -4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Yeah, this definitely is one of the more ludicrous things Christians have done. The crusades and the child molestation I was okay with, the inquisition just sounds like an awesome time for everyone, and shoving your religion down the throat of everyone else is just what you do sometimes when you feel you're right. But making laws against feeding homeless people really makes me wonder if maybe Christians are a bit wrong sometimes.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

The day I am forced to associate with the French is the day I die free.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago

I propose USA National Television & News, or /c/UNTnews for short.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 4 days ago

How the shit does someone not just Lee Harvey Oswald this man already? There've been better men killed for worse reasons.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

It's not only a problem when democrats do it. It's a problem when democrats begin doing it as well.

Look man, I'm not from your country, but it's clear this is the same thing that's been happening now all throughout Europe. Where there are usually more than two choices, so we can't even claim lack of choice as the reason. Let me try to explain.

Old parties have been around the block so many times, everyone knows how morally corrupt they are. "Lesser of two evils" is not something younger voters want to go for. They want a party that represents them, and none of the old ones want to represent them. They just want the power, but not to speak the will of the voters. And while some are obviously bad choices (like your Republicans), the leftist voters are especially mad at those parties that have been masquerading as socialist or left-leaning. Because they promised and didn't deliver. Just like your Democrats.

So now all throughout Europe there are newly established far-right parties getting a bunch of votes, on the basis of "nobody else is keeping their word, or representing me as a voter, so I might as well try these new guys". Trump won his first election on that platform, and he'll win the second election on the same grounds.

But this isn't a problem with the voters. For example, Germany now has this exact situation. Who do you think most voted for the new far-right party? The eastern part of Germany. The poorest part, with the fewest job opportunities, with the lowest incomes, the highest frequence in homelessness, the least educated etc. And who's to fucking blame for an entire class of people being disenfranchised over several decades? The voters?

Nah, man. The only ones who made this bed are the parties who created today's environment. Usually we sleep in it, but every now and then people get tired of getting fucked, and they force a change, even if it may be a bad one. And sometimes, that is enough - the knowledge that even if you lose, at least the people who have been actively hurting you also don't get to win. They lose as well, they sleep in the same bed as you for a change. At least this one fucking time.

I won't deny that it's a destructive mentality and that it may lead to long-term negative effects that are hard to undo. But this has moved past a reasonable situation for some. Desperation kicks in, and the need for revenge is strong. When you work 2-3 jobs to feed your kids, when you can't sleep at night because you don't know if tomorrow you're gonna be evicted while you're at work, when you can't afford basic necessities... Fuck it, man. You get it. Sometimes you just desperately want things to change and you don't care if the world burns in the process, because your world has been burning for god knows how many years, and nobody seemed to care so far. And at that point, you're especially pissed at those who pretended they cared.

/r/fuckhoa (feddit.nl)
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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