Since this won’t work with just one myriad creature, battalion feels like an odd include in a set that will probably have a lot of people not super familiar with magic’s rules.
Nitpick, you’re thinking of “21st century breakdown”, not american idiot. Because one album about the problems with american society didn’t cover enough of the issues.
If there’s one thing to take from this, it’s that the toxicity just needs to be directed at those actually responsible. Not the devs, but at corporate forcing the game to release early.
Factorio just casually adds the ability to perfectly match manufacturing with demand using bot networks. God, I can’t wait for the dlc.
Minecraft presumably
They should be intimately familiar with the results of the last time conservatives turned to fascists to try and cling to power.
some infrastructure, but by no means all. But I think my stance has always been closer to “if they wanted me to bring in additional players, they should’ve made the game more fun to play”
That’d only be true if people would have otherwise not taken out their new student loans, which seems highly unlikely.
Unless you’re worried about the poor wittle loan agencies.
I will be very different levels of unhappy with a too moderate democrat than a wannabe dictator.
Sounds like fascist propaganda to me but ok
Given the chemical composition of dirt, we sorta are both, if you ignore the fact that “dirt” typically refers to fertile soil that only exists because of all the living things constantly dying and decomposing.