
joined 1 year ago
[–] ShareMySims 8 points 2 months ago

I find it a little frustrating that you think any of this started with, because of, or will end with cheeto.


a fractured nation, a failing education system, crumbling infrastructure, and a healthcare system that leaves millions behind

has always been the case, and it is a feature, not a bug. Always has been.

And it will never change as long as you continue to focus on the things the system tells you to focus on (like team red vs team blue, or the clown at the front of the stage) rather than on the system itself (a state mechanism built on slavery and genocide from day dot, and designed and enforced by and for the rich and powerful, who are the ones actually pulling the strings) and abolishing that.

And before OP gets their underwear in a twist - all states are oppressive and should be abolished, but a country founded on and with the biggest hard on for capitalism on the planet, and who has the power to, and has been since its founding, loudly and aggressively dragging the rest of the world on a race to the bottom (if not directly with war mongering and political interfering, then with profiteering off of their enemies war mongering and politically interfering), deserves all the criticism it gets, and the fact that it's easier for you to create a straw person to dismiss the perfectly valid and long overdue criticism, than it is to hear them and sit with the mild discomfort it causes you to hear the truth and confront reality, is a you problem, not a lemmy problem.

[–] ShareMySims 6 points 2 months ago

I was about to say..

This may be a good awareness spreading tool, but actually being chronically ill, this game gets a big fat "no thanks" from me lol

[–] ShareMySims 51 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

Lol, I got my vegan card revoked (declared "a carnist") and handed my first fedi ban by the "Real Vegans™" too, for daring to call out their bullshit and ableist militant gatekeeping.

Good luck to them and the toxic cesspit they're so adamant on maintaining, the last thing anyone should be seeking is these people's approval, especially not on being a "good" or "real" vegan, since they make it crystal clear that their top priority is and always will be their own egos. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[–] ShareMySims 20 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

I have to tell you, that Action Park shit is still sitting with me.. 😂

Seriously though, thanks for managing that community, it's a good 'un. I've woken up many a morning to a wiki page you led me to lol

E: also, it's 3:45am now, am feeling a little called out by op (though I had actually gone to sleep at 10pm too, it's just that I've woken up since 😭)

[–] ShareMySims 193 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

Your brother is on a (specifically designed and heavily funded) pipeline to being a total piece of shit (not just with misogyny, but racism, and probably queerphobia and ableism too), do what you can to get him off it. A quick search brings up what looks to be some good info to start you off:


Misogynistic influencers are trending right now. Defusing their message is a complex task

De-radicalising incels out of the ‘manosphere’ through Reddit

Making a Radical Misogynist: How Online Social Engagement with the Manosphere Influences Traits of Radicalization

Swallowing and spitting out the red pill: young men, vulnerability, and radicalization pathways in the manosphere

Exiting the Manosphere

There are also many youtube videos on the subject, though I haven't watched any recently, so I won't link, but look up something along the lines of "manosphere right wing pipeline" and you should see some results.

[–] ShareMySims 14 points 2 months ago (1 children)

If you’re really asking what it means, an Alpha is a

pseudo scientific myth that has been twisted and then adopted almost exclusively by toxic men to try and boost their own ego and justify their shit behaviour


[–] ShareMySims 17 points 2 months ago

And you're telling everyone here that you are an ableist.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[–] ShareMySims -1 points 2 months ago

It obviously hit home with the bored loser, since they picked it for one of their latest account names lmmfao

(seriously though, the mods of this community need to get a grip on this spam)

[–] ShareMySims 20 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

So the queerphobia is gross in its own right, but the more quiet part is that ableism and abusing and discriminating against mentally ill people is a-ok too (and while sexual orientation and gender identity clearly aren't mental illnesses, there is also nothing wrong with being mentally ill, but unfortunately the readiness of some to distance themselves from and throw mentally ill people under the bus to save themselves will very quickly become apparent, and everyone needs to consciously be avoiding that trap).

[–] ShareMySims 1 points 2 months ago

Yup, same here.

Allyship rule (

ID: Drawing of a duck billed platypus underwater, they're wearing a rainbow coloured t shirt and a pink bum-bag, and saying: "Ally is not something you can self-identify as, it's a title that you earn. Let your actions speak for themselves!"

Credit: Sophie Labelle


ID: screengrab of a list of tips and tricks for the game Pocket Build, it says:

  • When making a circle with walls or fences, make a line in the middle first as a guide then proceed to place the fences while changing the angle one notch at a time. The change in angle has to be consistent for it to be a perfect circle.

  • When you place a fish, you can scale the number of fish that appear but not their size.

  • Since People and Goblins don’t disappear once they die, you can use their bodies for decoration.

Respect rule (

ID: Person A posted: "Gen Z is too afraid to ask a waiter for extra ketchup, but will bodyslam a cop"

Person B replied: "We respect those who actually serve"

Person C says: "BRUH"


ID: An edited image of two people looking at each other and smiling, maybe about to kiss, the background is black and the details are outlines which repeat, slightly overlapping, in neon red-green-blue. At the bottom is stylised text: "Ho Ho Ho mosexual"


@[email protected] shared a link to this great site earlier and I've been watching random videos on it, and this came up.

It's of no importance, just curiosity about both what the machine is, and will anyone on here recognise it (could be pretty generic for its field, my guess might be medical/imaging? or could be something unique, I have no idea!)


ID: the text "tfw you realise trump respects turkeys more than women" above a photo of trump about to pardon a turkey that's in front of him, asking "am I allowed to touch it?"


ID: A scene from The Good Place in two images. Janet is talking to Chidi, Michael is standing behind her. In the top image she says "Fun fact: Columbus is in the Bad Place" In the bottom image she continues "because of all the raping, slave trade, and genocide."

.🍽. (

ID: text "when you start the communist revolution and begin to eat the rich:" bellow is a photo of Gordon Ramsay saying "delicious finally, some ethical fucking consumption"

So server issues ate a friend 😭 (self.skychildrenoflight)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by ShareMySims to c/[email protected]

Long story short I made a moth friend who ended up teleporting to me every time I logged in first thing in (my) morning and while I'm happy to drag them around with me once in a while, it became a daily thing and some days I just want to play alone, so I started temporarily blocking them during my first playing session so that I don't have to reject them, they just don't know I'm online.

Today I went to unblock them to send them daily light, but the server issues that have been happening all day did their thing at the exact same time, and once I unblocked, they didn't show up in the constellation but the block list was still showing (they were the only ones on it, normally once you unblock, the list goes away), so I reset the game, and now the block list is gone, but so is this friend, stuck in Sky limbo 😂

I know they're just a random on the internet at the end of the day, and we'll both survive if this doesn't sort itself out, but I just feel so guilty worrying that this moth will think they did something wrong 😭

E: you can ignore me, just logged in again and they're back in my constellation! 😂


ID: a drawing for a wikihow to calculate bodily injury settlement, of someone about to step on a discarded banana peel. Someone has added the word "humanity" on the shoe, and "capitalism" on the banana peel.


ID: Sirry Alang, PhD (she/her) @ProfAlang posts:

Three things your oppressors demand from you:




Three things that won't end your oppression:




Everyone else's rule (
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by ShareMySims to c/[email protected]

ID: At the top left is text: "I'm doing my stuff everyone else's stuff can fuck off". On the right is a line drawing of several people tending to and admiring flowering plants so tall they need a ladder to reach their tops. In the bottom left corner Ruby is crouching down next to a small flower growing directly from the ground, and smiling.

Credit: Rubyetc

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