[-] ShareMySims 2 points 1 day ago

I’ve never looked at it that way, imagine playing a game set in a magical world and paying for the chance to go back to a grey and depressing mundane office -_-

That's exactly where my confusion stems from lol

I do appreciate that there is more to the office than just the office (I did have a proper look around before fleeing lol), but then again, I guess those aspects of the game just don't appeal to me, not enough anyway - I do enjoy taking in game photos, but again, the scenery is already so beautiful, I can't see why I would want to be rid of it, but then I also don't edit or create content, so I'm sure other people have their reasons, and I can see the appeal of checking out the ISS at least once, but after wasting hours of my time waiting to spawn Oreo the dog and getting massively disappointed at what it actually was, I've learned not to expect too much from the little easter eggs lol though I know some people really love that kind of thing (as well as the history and lore I personally just don't care that much about).

I think we can agree that it's worth visiting at least once, just to know you did, but that it's best to try and be patient and wait for days where it's free because there are definitely better ways to spend money on/in Sky haha

[-] ShareMySims 2 points 1 day ago

I wanted to support TGC (yeah I know…)

I can understand that, but there are so many other ways to lol

I was a moth and wanted to be able to access a special place like many other veteran players did

Looking back, I’d 100% tell myself to not do it

Curiosity killed the moth, eh? 😂

This is all light hearted of course, people are free to play and spend their money as they please, I suppose I just found it really confusing why anyone would want to leave such a beautiful, fantastical in-game environment, to spend time in such a mundane, and yeah, corporate, setting.. I guess it's also that people who haven't spent a lot of time working in such an office, won't get the same oppressive feeling from being in one when they don't have to lol

submitted 2 days ago by ShareMySims to c/[email protected]

Do people really spend money on a cape to access this place???

It was giving me anxiety from the second I walked through the door, but then I accidentally clicked a thing that started a video on all the screens, and it was like something out of a nightmare, I had to get out of there 😂😂

[-] ShareMySims 3 points 2 days ago

Yes! This is fantastic news.

[-] ShareMySims 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I hate to link to reddit, but it was the only place I found people reporting the same issues I was having since the update (and some before), all in this post, to save you a click:

Since halfway into Days of Color, I am getting strobing effect at the 8 player puzzle area. This starts at the moment we would expect to get the normal cutscene from that area, about 15 seconds after the platform elevator brings us there. Now, it fades to white, fails to show the cutscene, and keeps trying; white fade x rinse wash repeat. Only once, I somehow got to "skip" the cutscene, and that did fix it, but only that one time.

As of today, version 0.26.1 update, Grandma's buns launch high into the air immediately upon spawning, and even if you somehow manage to fly up there, they cannot be burned. Tried two Grandmas; same result each time.

Bonus glitch, also very recent, in the Vault of Knowledge, on the floor with the Mother Manta, once the lanterns are removed from her, and the portal opens, you can sit inside, but you go nowhere. Game just pans out, very slowly, to a far distance. This one at least has a band-aid solution; you can close the game (or henge to home), respawn in home, and jump into the "most recent area you've been" portal, and it will take you right to the next floor, where you can complete the Vault.

(added this in the edit) It seems the campfires that used to give social light balls have stopped so doing. I've tested Cozy Cave in Daylight Prairie, and zero light. Currently in the middle of testing the one in Hidden Forest (Brook map, near the entrance to Grandma), and will eventually test the one in the temple maze within Valley of Triumph. This issue started today, with the release of 0.26.1 (Edited again, after checking the afk social light campfires) I didn't get any light from Cozy Cave and Hidden; I did get one ball of light from Temple Maze. If the campfires are giving light, it seems to be much less than before.

One good piece of advice I found in the comments and confirmed works:

For the 8 player puzzle area just open the map shrine there and the bug will stop

[-] ShareMySims 56 points 2 weeks ago

Imagine being such a pathetic bottom feeder that your best move is to publicly deepthroat a dictator's boot for attention...

[-] ShareMySims 41 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

This is an interesting read and it makes some good points, but I find it ironic that the author can see that our modern issues with nudity didn't always apply to humans (or our close ancestors/other hominids), yet makes claims like:

Because human babies require a long period of care before they can survive on their own, evolutionary interdisciplinary researchers have theorized that early humans adopted the strategy of pair bonding – a man and a woman partnering after forming a strong affinity for one another. By working together, the two can more easily manage years of parental care. Pair bonding, however, comes with risks. Because humans are social and live in large groups, they are bound to be tempted to break the pact of monogamy, which would make it harder to raise children.

Which fails as soon as you go beyond the theoretical (we have not only historical evidence, but live examples still existing today that demonstrate the origin of "it takes a village to raise a child") and is supported by a piece of research that frames the opposite of monogamous "pair bonding" to be "promiscuity". 🙄

They are doing the exact same applying modern morals and constructs as they're criticising others of doing with regards to nudity, only with regards to the idea of the "nuclear family" and "monogamous fidelity", which I guess is something they aren't ready to break down yet..

[-] ShareMySims 52 points 3 weeks ago

Those, and I can also make out:

  • They tried scratching out "anarchist" in the title and replace it with "homosexual"
  • "Do you love men?"
  • "Do you have feminine hobbies?"
  • "Do you love dick in your ass and mouth?"
  • a badly drawn hitler in the left margine

So yeah, definitely nazi alert

Cabinet quest won't complete? (self.skychildrenoflight)
submitted 1 month ago by ShareMySims to c/[email protected]

I've completed the cabinet quest from Season of Assembly at least 4 times in the past 2 days (I tried it ages ago but got frustrated then too and moved on to complete other seasons), I'll get the prompt saying I'm done and asking if I want to return the cabinet and I click yes, I'll get teleported back to the starting point (where the prayer circle was but then isn't anymore) then nothing happens. I'll go back to the treehouse via the tunnel and the guide will have a red dot and behave as if I've still got to go and complete the cabinet!

Any ideas what I might be missing/doing wrong? 😭

PS really glad to have found this community on lemmy, not sure why I didn't think to look sooner!

[-] ShareMySims 40 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Ok, but also immigrants shouldn't have to be flag waving posterchildren for nationalism in order to be acceptable (if that's what they want to do fine, but as an immigrant myself I feel like the pressure to be "grateful" (E: and "loyal") is very heavy and that doing so is more often than not done as an act of self preservation rather than enthusiastic will).

[-] ShareMySims 37 points 1 month ago

Imagine how much nicer a world we'd live in if toxic men avoided alcohol for its supposed testosterone lowering qualities in the same way they avoid soy for its supposed oestrogen heightening properties..

[-] ShareMySims 36 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

It already did, I'm struggling to find the link (E: found it ), but Jenny Watson the woman who launched this shit was found to be like 98% likely to be "a man" by her own software (someone ran the photo of herself she used in the launch tweet)..

[-] ShareMySims 41 points 1 month ago

We have this thing called autistic inertia, which sounds similar, and since people already mentioned ADHD, maybe start here and see if anything rings a bell and go from there:


submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by ShareMySims to c/[email protected]

I hate my sim carrying loads of stuff for all sorts of reasons (I think it creates lag, I hate having to scroll through a load of items to find what I want, there are bugs where the whole inventory disappears when you do certain things and that seems to happens less when they carry less stuff), so I try to keep the bare minimum on my sim:

  • Hikon QX40di Gladiator camera
  • Collection Helper
  • Potent Invigorating Elixirs (means you never need to sleep)
  • Vials of Potent Bliss (cures loneliness and stress)
  • Wish Enhancing Serums (doubles all wish points, including lifetime wish for 24hr)
  • Jars of Potent Friendship (make almost any sim a good friend, except some NPCs like paparazzi)
  • Showers in a can (quick clean)
  • Pemmican (quick meal + special moodlet)
  • Death flower
  • Flame fruit (gives positive moodlet)

But I do like to keep things just in case (as you do), so in their house I have different treasure chests for different things like seeds, gems, metals, inventions, relics, etc where I store most things (this allows for keeping much more junk which also potentially creates lag, but then, so do most things in the game lol and this way it isn't cluttering my space), and then my family inventory in buy mode is mostly free gifts my sim gets from being a celebrity, which I used to keep but now mostly sell.

So, does anyone else have these kinds of systems, or do other people generally not give it much thought at all? 😂

[-] ShareMySims 35 points 3 months ago

I've found that often "plant based" is a cop out and that companies that use it exclusively (so not only on the product, but also when you ask them outright if a product is suitable for vegans and they will only repeat "plant based") often make no effort to ensure the product is actually vegan (so no effort to avoid cross contamination and no testing to ensure no animal products have ended up in the food), they just want the vegan £££ and count on most people not taking the time to look in to it, or not caring enough.

Plantastic and "meet free" Fridge Raiders are a couple of examples that come to mind (I have been in touch with both manufacturers and both are very careful to never confirm that their products are suitable for vegans despite them marketing them directly at us), and also Flash I think it was, that I've noticed have now changed their ad which used to say something like "made with A plant based ingredient" as if that makes the whole product plant based..

It's a bit like greenwashing - wanting to make money off of the "green" market, without investing any money or effort to comply with the labelling rules.

submitted 3 months ago by ShareMySims to c/[email protected]

Full length trailer for Sims 5?

Or last ditch attempt to make Sims 4 look more appealing?

I don't see them going back further, and as someone who never moved past Sims 3 (and who generally hates this lazy genre of movie, but especially when it's based on a game that has such open and individually adaptable play), this has very little appeal to me personally.

Thoughts from fellow simmers?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by ShareMySims to c/[email protected]

I used to at most do a basic floor plan in ms paint on a 64x64 grid I had saved lol but the more I play around with constrainfloorelevation and the endless design options it opens up, the more I find I need to plan, and the harder it is to get my head around what I should do first, because it becomes so much harder to add and change things later on.

I just completely scrapped a lot I'd been trying to figure out for ages because I realised I'd screwed something up it would take starting almost from scratch to fix, I do want to start again, and to avoid this happening again I've tried laying it out in sketches and diagrams but with having both the terrain and the levels of the build shifted and sometimes overlapping (or, in the case of basement and terrain - not allowed to overlap, which is mostly what's messing me up lol), it gets so confusing and my brain just fries 😂

Probably just going to have to jump in and try to figure it out in practice.

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