[-] ShankShill 2 points 6 days ago

As a night shift worker, breakfast is a good time for a drink.

[-] ShankShill 2 points 1 week ago

Can confirm. Fell asleep at a friend's house and he lit my jncos on fire.

[-] ShankShill 4 points 3 weeks ago

Rim that fucking anus.

[-] ShankShill 8 points 4 weeks ago

I don't think so.

[-] ShankShill 18 points 1 month ago

I've been in a courtroom with an idiot that was behind on child support that pulled this.

Took the judge 45 minutes to decide he didn't need rights to his child anymore.

[-] ShankShill 17 points 1 month ago

We got a triple-yolk from the illegal eggs we buy from a 9 year old girl. But I ain't no snitch so the bacon don't know where I get my eggs.

[-] ShankShill 3 points 2 months ago

Don't forget new keywords to trigger bing search in the start menu vs opening the local program.

[-] ShankShill 3 points 2 months ago

Sam & Max Hit The Road

[-] ShankShill 28 points 2 months ago

Another settlement needs our help. I'll mark it on your map.

[-] ShankShill 48 points 2 months ago

Typically, supporting senile old rapist con men is a worse look than supporting senile old men.

[-] ShankShill 10 points 3 months ago

I been through about 10 TN-450 cartridges in my Brother printer and can count on one hand how many jams I've had. And I'm pretty sure they were all because my kid would take paper out and leave a page sitting crooked in the tray.

Recently had to replace the drum.

[-] ShankShill 6 points 3 months ago

I've used it and dd-wrt back in the day on cheap crashy routers. Also Tomato.

Haven't tried it in a long time, but have an EAP225 v2 and v3 I've been considering slapping openwrt on.

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