That being said there is yet to be a system that does not have crises.
“Jesse Rothstein is an economist, and currently professor of public policy and economics at the University of California, Berkeley. In 2010, he was chief economist at the US Department of Labor. He is the founding director of the California Policy Lab, a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, and is a member of the editorial boards of Education Finance and Policy, The Review of Economics and Statistics, American Economic Review, and Industrial Relations.[1][2][3][4]”
For those that don’t know the guy he’s got a solid pedigree
Through his mother if I recall correctly
No but “boner” has also meant an error so depending on the time it was published it might not mean an erection
doesn’t Schutz mean protect? And in the case off the SS doesn’t it mean “guard”?
AfD are neonazis but im not sure the word choice is that odd.
Russia did not exist then.
Why do you think many of the nations that border Russia want protection from Russia? I’ll give you a hint it’s Russian nationalist superiority and their penchant for revanchism and imperialism.
Nothing Russia has done in Ukraine is justified. It is morally equivalent to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.
You are defending the invasion and subjugation of a sovereign nation. Do not try to pretend you have any moral high ground.
so “vir” is the root for “were-“?
Trump is protecting Adams because he knows that Adams will deport people given the chance.
Regardless unless he has been convicted we can’t have governors removing mayors. This will permit others to just remove mayors they dislike.