The final scene is so amazing.
Catastrophe on Amazon Prime is incredible. The ending is fantastic and leaves you thinking.
“You’re The Worst” on Hulu/FX is darker than Catastrophe but similarly incredible. They also nail the ending.
The DVD became popular in the late 1990s-early 2000s. My PC in 1997 had a DVD player
Which is why it would be a good test for current legislators.
Fixing the wifi when it is down is the equivalent but I still think we should test all potential legislators on their ability to program the VCR clock.
broken glass, you rarely find it in burgers but it does ruin them?
My mighty’s batteries are finally giving out after 7 years
Kids are dumb and that makes them more likely to adopt the kinds of views educated people should know better than to adopt. For example in high school I very much supported right-wing libertarianism which lasted just until I got an actual job
Not my top choice but “Cruel Summer” by Taylor Swift qualifies for this. It’s a track that got missed on “Lover” and became a hit after she released another album.
That song is from “Gigi” which is about a 15 year old girl who eventually “gets her man” who is like 30. Maurice Chevalier performs the song in the movie and Depardu is alluding to this:
The point is if I can turn a lb of coke into more than an lb of crack than why does crack carry greater punishment per kg?
You mean if you were Christian as my buddy Hassan is a devout Muslim and ge doesn't believe in this shit