A quick browse through recent comments and posts by these accounts
do something about those of us being stalked by these lunatics that get off on going through people's post history
Have you considered that you may be stupid?
A quick browse through recent comments and posts by these accounts
do something about those of us being stalked by these lunatics that get off on going through people's post history
Have you considered that you may be stupid?
Gnome is technically one of the most customizable, but it is opinionated which means the end user isn’t supposed to change anything, only devs (Like Ubuntu or Zorins customizations). Kde Plasma on the other hand is designed to be easily customizable, you are supposed to make it your own without having to install external software (for example Gnome requires you to manually install the extension manager while it is built in with kde). Then there is Xfce, which is also very customizable but has little built in. This is because with Xfce you are supposed to customize with external software (for example using plank as your dock).
So basically, Gnome is for when you want an opinionated DE (or want to make a distro and have it certain way), KDE is when you want something very customizable and Xfce when you something customizable and modular.
“Man kann ja eh nicht komplett privat sein, also kann man das auch gleich lassen”
Is there a client that automatically converts/optimizes images (locally) when uploading? Preferably on IOS
Your post has little to do with what was said in the video. By German law insulting someone is a crime, it does not matter if they are a politician.
Die Beleidigung wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu einem Jahr oder mit Geldstrafe und, wenn die Beleidigung öffentlich, in einer Versammlung, durch Verbreiten eines Inhalts (§ 11 Absatz 3) oder mittels einer Tätlichkeit begangen wird, mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft
In Englisch:
The insult is punishable by a custodial sentence of up to one year or a monetary penalty and, if the insult is committed publicly, in a meeting, by disseminating content (Section 11 (3)) or by means of an assault, by a custodial sentence of up to two years or a monetary penalty.
Also, since the interviewed are prosecutors they an interest to make the law sound as harsh as possible because that is literally their job. There are a bunch of laws that can overrule this law. Freedom of speech overrules this in most cases, unless the only point of what you are saying is to degrade someone. For example you can say “I don’t like ‘policy’, ‘politician a’ is such a fucking idiot for suggesting it.” But you can’t say “‘Politician a’ is such a worthless piece of shit and they should kill themself”, because you aren’t criticizing just degrading.
Another thing to consider, is that AFAIK this law has been around since 1953, so Germany was technically not a sovereign state as the Bonn-Paris conventions would not be signed until 1955, so US had a non ignorable influence in creating this law.
AFAIK it used to exist but was removed to avoid recreating stuff like karma farming and minimum karma limits. But it would be pretty easy to make a bash script that manually calculates the karma score
Yes, that’s the one. Thanks
Just FYI, if you ever do get a steam deck maybe consider Bazzite instead of Fedora. It is based on Fedora atomic, offers a gnome version, is specifically optimized for a bunch of handhelds including steam deck and supports the game mode of steamOS.
I think it is referencing the scene from the movie where the protagonist jumps into the waste under a toilet (the one where the shit just goes on a field)
Hätte jemand die Güte den Namen der im Video zu vernehmenden Melodie zu teilen?