Holy shit give me new content big daddy you own my wallet. Praise be lol
Oh yeah we're working with an arborist. So we've had to cut down 3 apple trees that were grown before we moved here. They were pretty huge and not taken care of, and had Apple scab that we couldn't get under control.
There's a crab apple here too that is slowly dying from the same thing. That will eventually get replaced as well.
It's crazy how resistant native plants and trees are to these diseases. That's a big motivator to keep it local.
I've never had a pawpaw fruit but from what I've read about them I'm willing to grow a few. Our yard has plenty of shade with more to come so we should be able to get them going in the back at least.
Hey thank you so much for suggesting the paper rolls over cardboard!! I'm definitely going to go that route now, cardboard is such a hassle!
I have no idea what is next honestly, aside from a few more redwoods. This first step is to hopefully build a skeleton for a canopy. Next steps are going to be ground cover, and I will absolutely look into nutrient blends, I hadn't even thought of it either. Fruit trees are in the plan, was thinking of some pawpaw trees. But everything is going to be native 100% to include the ground cover plants.
Can you post some pics of your setup? I'd love to see it.
One of them called me a nazi apologist because of something similar. Like how in the fuck did you make that connection? They're delusional at best, a troll factory at worst.
Sounds about right. Those people are fucking crazy.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize this seat was taken
clutches pearls well I never!
They are beyond delusional.
It all just sounds similar to the cast system that China has had for centuries, some based on religion context ( upper cast being divine through God).
"Dunked on" goddamn they are so fucking annoying