Flavacol and butter flavored coconut oil. Tastes just like the movie theaters. No story.. Just learned about Flavacol at work one day when we were talking about the best way to make popcorn. It's basically just powdered salt.
- My Brother My Brother and Me
- GardenFork
- Root Simple
- Hello Internet
- Huberman Lab
- Heavyweight
- The Knowledge Project
I really like the Art of Manliness blog. Haven't given the podcast a chance yet.
Hardcore history is so good! Have you listened to his series on WWI? It's been a few years since I listened to it. It was fascinating. I really liked his other podcast called Common Sense. Each episode is a bit more topical to current events.
Yup.. when the only rule in the engine is "maximize profits", this is what we get. We need a version 2 that includes some kind of rule that also incentivizes "do good for the world" or something to that effect.. however you quantify that. I'm not hopeful that iteration will happen though. It's hard, if not impossible, for a system to change itself. It'd be like changing the rules of Monopoly while playing it where the current winner has the most leverage and influence on how the rules change. If you're already winning, you don't want to change anything unless it makes you win more. You certainly wouldn't want to change it in a way that made it harder for you. So the only way to change the rules in a way that benefits the current "losers" is if all those losers unite to overrule the leverage of the winner, which is why the winner puts in so much effort to keep the losers divided and arguing amongst themselves about what the problem is and what rules to implement or change.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
This is awesome. I bought a 100 pack of razors and a safety razor very similar to yours near the beginning of 2014 and I'm probably only about 25% through the razors. I hated the idea of spending so much on the big name multi blade razors.
- LOTR trilogy
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- A Midnight in Paris
- The Matrix
- Howl's Moving Castle
Anything you can do, I can do slower. I can do anything slower than you.
I just enjoyed the first cherry tomato of the season from my garden. And from the looks of the rest of the fruit developing on it, we'll have many more in a couple more weeks.
I wonder how the author would compare their scheduled boredom breaks with something like meditation sessions. There's been a lot of study showing the benefits of meditating.
I haven't read this since high school so I don't remember much. It was required reading at the time. Now it's probably banned. It deserves a reread. There was one line that described how one of the prisoners had to put his own father's body into the crematory oven. It's probably been 20 years since I read it, but the horror of that image has stuck with me.
Ooo interesting. I bought some for a recipe that I ended up never making. I've heard it tastes kind of like cheese. Is that right?