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[–] Mnemnosyne 7 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Lex Luthor is actually a super genius. And he can actually improve the world tremendously, such as in Red Son.

That said, Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg was still a more positive and likeable character than Elon Musk.

[–] Mnemnosyne 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

"AI", especially art. I've spent years trying to learn to draw on and off and have never gotten good at it, but now I can use words to create illustrations I want in a level of quality and detail I could never dream of.

Now I just want the interface to be easier and more able to understand natural language and be capable of making directed changes better.

[–] Mnemnosyne 7 points 5 months ago

Yeah, would be better if more people put in an accurate title instead of regurgitating the clickbait headline.

[–] Mnemnosyne 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Does this make sense in some version of Spanish? Like, one of those words has a slang meaning I'm not familiar with? Cause I do not understand 'your theory is missing a street.'

[–] Mnemnosyne 7 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Seriously? From the story, anon did everything right.

Saw potential interest, acted on it in a nonthreatening way, when no positive response came, took it as a rejection and did not harass or continue pursuing.

[–] Mnemnosyne 11 points 5 months ago

The irony being that the person who rates themselves as unethical is actually likely to be one of the most ethical people answering; someone truly unethical would've lied about it in the first place, or failed to even notice or acknowledge their unethicalness.

[–] Mnemnosyne 43 points 5 months ago
[–] Mnemnosyne 11 points 5 months ago

None of this makes sense, but you can at least follow the nonsensical chain of events if you know the full story.

[–] Mnemnosyne 1 points 5 months ago

Two things could remove much of the expense and increase safety:

1- remove lawsuits and NIMBYism to overcome. That's where a lot of the cost and delay comes from when building these, so if millions didn't have to be spent on lawsuits just to get the goahead to begin construction it'd cut the cost massively.

2- remove profit from the equation. Without profit motive, the incentives that encourage discarding safety in favor of profit go way down.

[–] Mnemnosyne 1 points 5 months ago

So at least temporarily and with military and other Federal government functions, the President should simply order them to continue with the necessary cleanup.

Longer term, only apparent solution is to pass laws to explicitly give the federal agencies all the authority to regulate such things.

[–] Mnemnosyne 22 points 5 months ago (2 children)

So I do see how there could be a preference for a 'shower' because a big, well-formed dick is aesthetically pleasing even when soft.

Not that I can imagine any real person would be so hung up on this one detail for that to be a real deal-breaker in a relationship.

[–] Mnemnosyne 7 points 5 months ago (2 children)

I mean, it's well understood that there's a host of health benefits from regular exercise, and it's also pretty well established that habits built during youth tend to be the most 'sticky' that we continue for the rest of our lives.

Given these two facts, I suspect that there are in fact studies that show those who participate in regular exercise programs during their school years are more likely to maintain a higher level of fitness and gain the derived health benefits.

That said, it's likely a small but statistically significant increase, not a massive easily observable difference.

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