that's true, a lot of people probably KNOW how to drive safely (according to their license's definition) but just don't care
About the black box thing, that may actually be a good idea, but hard to execute
that's true, a lot of people probably KNOW how to drive safely (according to their license's definition) but just don't care
About the black box thing, that may actually be a good idea, but hard to execute
That actually makes a lot of sense, i'll probably steal some of your points for future debates :)
oh it makes more sense with this definition instead of just "living beings"
If having a reaction to physical damage (like moving away) is enough to be qualified as pain, then some plants feel pain too. We studied in biology a plant that when cut/eaten by animals releases chemicals that warn plants around it and triggers them to release another chemical that interferes with animal's digestive system and make them starve (I don't remember the name of the plant unfortunately). So should we consider this as pain too ?
there are many other examples here too:wikipedia
man I hate philosophy
Bacterias are living creatures as well, yet I doubt most vegans have an issue with them
edit: I don't even know why I picked bacterias as an example when I could just have chosen plants, which are by definition alive too
Just because something can't feel pain, does that mean we should hurt it ?
Maybe we don't have the same definition of hurting, but I can't see how "hurting" works with something that can't feel pain. Like can you hurt a chair ?
Not sure, I heard some species of jellyfish are super invasive
but then by fishing you may catch other fishes I think
we need an expert
oh non quel dommage newpipe a sali la marque de google oh non je suis si triste pour youtube boo hoo
It is a dumpster fire, but it's also profitable
Honestly seeing how people drive ~10 years after getting their licence I think we need a kind of test every 10 years, not necessarily because of declining cognitive capacity but just generally forgetting about safety
although it would be pretty expensive to check absolutely everyone
You might want to look into Firejail, kinda complicated to setup but it's made for this.
I think chroot could achieve this too but I don't know how secure it is
Isn't FSR open source ? if that's the case it is actually great
moral of the story: if you have an addiction, replace it with tomatoes