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[–] Meowoem 2 points 1 year ago (6 children)

What year do you think we'll get the first product mined and manufacturered in space? And how about the first space grown food sold commercially?

I would guess 2040 and 2050 respectively, we'll have the automation tools to get started by 2030 with government science projects then a decade for it to mature into something a company can try to create a market with, probably something that can only be made in low gravity like solve form of novelty such as space glass spheres or a special use material.

I think food will be fast behind because people will pay a lot for it and there's already a lot of research into it for use in space based living facilities.

[–] Meowoem 4 points 1 year ago

They used to ban people in r/socialism for using it, I always assumed it was a tactic to make the left look stupid

[–] Meowoem 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That's ridiculous, if I think that one apple plus one apple is going to result in three apples then I try it and find it's actually two I'm not going to blame the universe I'm going to know my understanding of arithmetic is flawed.

It's not the math of the human made model that controls the universe that would be silly. The model is the current best approximation of the actual math that defines the universe.

An accurate model allows you to predict the outcome of events, like we can predict how many apples will be in the bag. With some things it gets very complicated because there's lots of things and various possible states but we can model that with statistics and calculous and stuff. We can even make a set of all possibile results and use that as a map to tell us if something is possible, how likely it is and what we can do to make it more or less likely - nothing the guy said was controversial, we can map cellar interactions even if that requires using complex multidimensional math (mathematics have had to get used to doing this sort of math a lot recently so I'm sure they'll manage)

[–] Meowoem 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah its weird tech is moving so absurdly fast at that moment that people seem to have gotten used to huge breakthroughs and want one ever week, like with ai how astonishing developments aren't even implemented yet but people are saying it's not impressive or development has stalled.

There's a lot of really good stuff that's coming to market slowly, the main problem is lithium is so cheap and easy at the moment that it's not really worth it for anyone to take a risk on something new. It is happening but it'll take a while for the special use cases to filter though and it to reach a more general market.

Another good example is wave power, there are now working commercial devices and very successful test projects but because it's complex and still has high planning and development costs associated with it everyone is sticking to wind and solar. There will be a point soon where tidal generation sneaks into common use just like desalination did

Hardly anyone is even aware how many of the areas we got told would have water wars now have desalination partnerships and plenty of water to go round. They can even extract lithium in the same process and we're starting to see that getting built too.

I think the real thing is going to be when the various strands of ai combine with the incredibly good robotics we have developed over the last few decades, people are going to be shocked how much it'll speed up every physical industry. Being able to show the robot 'this surface here needs to be sanded smooth ready for spraying' and it can understand the request, evolve a movement solution and continually check it's work as it goes.

The problem is everyone knows that's coming and it's a game changer so no one is really interested in the amazing advances we keep making or the more basic tools. Companies aren't going to invest five years researching and developing the sort of product we can make now when they know other companies as already investing big in general purposes tools that'll ruin all those markets.

[–] Meowoem 13 points 1 year ago

I hate kier but not voting for Labour would be stupid, protest votes or non votes don't count any the only people pushing that idiocy are the rich right wing because they don't want you to vote against them

Everyone just thinks 'oh look these people are too dumb, busy, or disconnected to vote oh well'

You can still resist and work against a system you voted for,

[–] Meowoem 14 points 1 year ago

I don't really understand gay couples either, I don't even understand gay people singularly. I think I understood them better as a child to be honest, like oh look two men are in a relationship that's nice for them. Now I see a lot more detail and it starts getting confusing, like when you see two handsome guys just hanging out in a coffee bar holding hands. Where did they meet? It sure as fuck wasn't on Grindr! And how can they just walk around being hot and sexy all day! Why aren't they exhausted by the pure pressure of existence?!

But yeah you don't need to understand, no one understands anything anyway it's far harder to understand why two men shouldn't be allowed to love each other. Can anyone ever actually explain that without evoking a whole big fantasy about a powerful wizard that said it's naughty?

I think that's what they actually mean, it's really hard to convince a kid that two guys shouldn't be allowed to be happy together especially when you can just look over and see two perfectly happy guys in nice clothes who look like they've stopped for lunch before going and bring really good at some racket based sport after which they're going to a movie and sitting with their arms around each other... Strong arms from the racket sport, a slight hint of perspiration even after their shower together...

[–] Meowoem -3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

You're using odd ways of describing things to try and win a pointless argument, even if everything you say is correct then it changes literally nothing about anything so whatever yeah use words like a weirdo if you like

[–] Meowoem 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

F35 went over budget and behind schedule but it's an incredibly effective combat aircraft

[–] Meowoem -1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Yes that's a model, I'm not saying the model magically controls reality but that the underpinning reality is math - the reason you always have two apples in a bag when you start with one and add another is because of math, the human model of that isn't controlling it but if we want two apples in a bag and we currently only have one then we can use our model to determine how many apples we need to add into the bag.

The same is true of more complex systems, if we can accurately model the cellar interactions then we can derive solutions in the same way

[–] Meowoem 1 points 1 year ago

No we need big name projects for exactly that reason, a hundred billion pounds is nothing just to give the people who complain and block everything something to do - if they were free roaming then the rest of the country would grind to a halt over night.

[–] Meowoem -4 points 1 year ago (9 children)

Everything is math, it's what controls gravity and cell division and protein folding - there is no god it's all just math

Of course the model is only a model but the point is you can use the model to predict real world responses, therefore you can test millions of things and do the one which is most likely to work

[–] Meowoem 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Ah I should have guessed your opinion comes from a weird type of elitist nonsence but I can play that game too if you like...

You're only thinking about the world you know which appears to be shitty movies and being a gamer that's decided you're not like the degenerate games you're high class, ok bud but I doubt that's how s casual observer sees it and I think you know that which is why you put on such a show to p distance yourself from what you recognise if your set. So shove your classism up your ass and grow up.

People with actual important things going on have been using vr for years, they did fucking surgery on a grape for fuck sake! While the surgeons were extoling the wonders of VR for complex remote surgery using hyper advanced robotics what the fuck were you doing? Bitching that the console noobs don't have the same high culture as pc gamers?

When the USAF flies the F-35 and the pilot puts on his HMDS with the Distributed Aperture System do you think it's because they're trailer trash junkies looking for a distraction or maybe because billions of dollars of research went into creating the absolute best control system and it turned out that's very clearly VR?

And the drone operators, the architects, the astronauts at nasa who use it... They just haven't realised it's stupid and useless, only an enlightened pc gamer like yourself is wise enough to realise there's no use for it.

  • well that was cathartic, hope you don't take anything I said personally and that you have a lovely day but I felt it appropriate.

Vr has proven to institutions that have the money and tech to use it that it's incredibly useful, as tech improves and ecosystems get established we will see it move towards ubiquity there's no doubt about that.

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