Pfft, no!
OS/2 Warp
Pfft, no!
OS/2 Warp
Or just "Cheggers" to his mates
Detroit: Become Human.
The demo gives you one level, playing as an android helper to the police, helping to solve a murder.
The full game really took me through the looking glass in terms of empathy. Can't really say more without significant spoilers.
I like those too, sorry.
Yeah, I got a basic reader about 10 years ago, for what would be €20 in today's money. It's saved me hundreds.
Only problem is motorbikes don't have standard ODB2 ports so I have no idea why the light is on on my little 125 :-/
I see your Poodle, and raise you a Podenco
This may be "old man yells at cloud" energy, but my first reaction was just a broad negative "urgh."
It's very satisfying when it's like that!
When I buy a bike or help a friend with their servicing I sometimes feel like the only person on the planet who keeps on top of maintenance
This seems like a great way to break out of one's bubble and connect with people and the outdoors :-)
Me and my wife cut each others hair, it works well and we both get compliments on it ... but yeah, I can imagine there's a lot of people out there who couldn't pull it off
Where did it come from Cotton Eye Joe?
Point down with two fingers to signify "I hope you manage to keep both wheels under you, friend" ... it's very important. In the UK bikers give a little side-nod, because their free hand is on the wrong side.
When I see someone on a quad I point four fingers down :-)