[-] [email protected] 92 points 3 weeks ago

Drunk driving is the perfect sign that you are an entitled asshole. There's no reason to be drunk driving.

[-] [email protected] 143 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Mammals use boob-juice to raise their offspring. That's why they are called that.

As opposed to e.g. birds that don't use boob-juice and instead elect to vomit in their offspring's ingestion orifices.

[-] [email protected] 106 points 1 month ago

So you're not for reining in megacorps, just the ones you don't see as a personal benefit.

[-] [email protected] 122 points 2 months ago

This is called parthenogenesis and is a known phenomenon, albeit rare in vertebrates. Some species, like the New Mexico whiptail, rely on it (all New Mexico whiptails are female).

Here is a paper from 2007 that talks about parthenogenesis in hammerhead sharks..

[-] [email protected] 97 points 2 months ago
[-] [email protected] 119 points 2 months ago

God blessed the students with omniscient insight, so they reverted their concerns and joined the army to establish democracy all over the world. An eagle, sounding like a red-tailed hawk, was heard screeching in the distance.

[-] [email protected] 93 points 2 months ago

If you can get vaccinated and choose not to, you are an asshole.

[-] [email protected] 101 points 3 months ago

When I was in school, I bought a Gameboy XPloder for 80 bucks and cheated Mews in Pokemon Red. I sold the Mews to everyone in school for 5 bucks a pop and made back way more than I invested. I don't care if Nintendo finds out because I was 12 when comitting this heinous crime. As a bonus, I also never taxed those business profits. Checkmate capitalists.

[-] [email protected] 96 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Rookie mistake. The best way to procrastinate is to set everything up so you could work on it and then not do it. What's the fun in procrastination when not actively defying work?

[-] [email protected] 110 points 3 months ago

Yes, no shit. That was the outlook from day 1.

The Russian Army is largely represented as a bunch of baffoons in the Western media, but it's still one of the 3 largest armies in the world. Ukraine cannot hold their lines indefinitely, the only way to "win" against an opponent that has multiple times your materiel available is guerilla.

[-] [email protected] 123 points 3 months ago

I'd like to solve, Alex:

What are different places on Earth from where the eclipse is visible?

[-] [email protected] 158 points 3 months ago

Is there any hope for me?

Yes, public transport.

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