
joined 1 year ago
[–] JasSmith 7 points 11 months ago (16 children)

Lots of surveys show one of the primary barriers to EV adoption is range anxiety. I’ve seen people trying to “educate” potential customers out of this anxiety, but it’s pissing into the wind. You’re not going to convince most people to downgrade their current ICE experience while paying the same or usually even more. I think the inflection point is above real world range for ICE. For example my 2016 Honda Civic can get about 7-800km of range on a single tank, and stops are as quick as a few minutes. This provides a lot of flexibility about where and when one stops. The range needs to account for:

  • The 20-40 minute charge vs five minutes for gas.

  • The lack of chargers relative to gas stations.

  • The 30% drop in range in the cold.

Our annual Austria ski trip takes about 30% longer in our Model Y than the Civic. That’s hours extra on an already very long drive, and the Y costs a lot more. That’s a big downgrade in experience. An appalling experience with a family. We won’t be buying another EV until affordable range is above 1,000km (620 miles). I know many current, former, and non-EV owners who feel the same.

There is a market for commuter cars with poor range, but primarily in rich places where owning 2-3 cars is common. These rich places have already bought EVs as they are. Most of the world relies on just one car, if they own one at all. That one car needs to perform well in all conditions.

[–] JasSmith 0 points 11 months ago (2 children)

The fact you have 30 downvotes is horrifying. This community is nothing but a bunch of authoritarians who openly reject liberal ideals like free speech and democracy. They hate Putin so much because he reflects so many of their values.

[–] JasSmith 31 points 11 months ago (16 children)

This doesn’t solve anything. The White House will only authenticate videos which make the President look good. Curated and carefully edited PR. Maybe the occasional press conference. The vast majority of content will not be authenticated. If anything this makes the problem worse, as it will give the President remit to claim videos which make them look bad are not authenticated and should therefore be distrusted.

[–] JasSmith 4 points 11 months ago

There is a real crisis in academia. This author clearly set out to find something sensational about AI, then worked backwards from that.

[–] JasSmith 8 points 11 months ago

You have been banned from r/DataHoarder.

[–] JasSmith 1 points 11 months ago

I agree. Most movies of mine are 1080p, which look great with high enough bitrate. 4K is for the big flashy movies which clearly benefit.

[–] JasSmith 1 points 11 months ago

I agree. I thought they were going to do that to create a lighter, less intrusive headset. This just seems like the worst of both worlds. Maybe processing in the pocket became too hot without ventilation. I thought they were going to plug the thing into an iPhone in the pocket and offload power and processing there, but the Vision is very power hungry so I guess they eliminated that early on.

[–] JasSmith 3 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Nope, just a video. I should check out some games…

[–] JasSmith 3 points 11 months ago

This series is in my top 10. It’s worth it to at least get through the second.

[–] JasSmith 25 points 11 months ago (4 children)

I could not disagree more. It’s like I’m actually motor-boating three beautiful women’s massive bosoms at the same time. And it’s like they’re all really sitting on my face. I’m using a Quest though so I’m not sure if there’s a difference. Just make sure you’re using large file sizes. 10GB+.

[–] JasSmith 3 points 11 months ago

First, immigration is currently calibrated FAR in excess of any demographic gaps. The population is growing rapidly. If the premise were to plug demographic holes, we wouldn’t need nearly this many people.

Second, if the premise were to alleviate demographic issues at the young end of the pyramid, then immigration policies would block any applications for those over 30, or at least heavily bias the young. They don’t.

There is exactly one reason immigration has been calibrated so high, and with such little care for the skills and qualities of the applicants: to suppress wages and working conditions. It’s the same playbook all over the West.

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