[-] [email protected] 127 points 1 week ago

Just tried it out with my proton account. Looks great! It's very simple, but I also like that about it. And of course being private is wonderful.

[-] [email protected] 89 points 2 months ago

Windows 11 was what finally forced me over to linux for good, no more dual booting. I know it sounds strange, but the straw that broke its back was the taskbar. I have an ultrawide monitor, so I ALWAYS have the taskbar vertical on a side. It makes zero sense to have it at the bottom. Massive waste of space. Windows 11 DID NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO MOVE THE TASKBAR. I was flabbergasted. This is a feature that has existed for decades in every OS. I just couldn't comprehend the stupidity, so I just didn't. Formatted the drive and went to Arch, then to Tumbleweed. Couldn't be happier.

[-] [email protected] 69 points 9 months ago

I MUCH prefer Jellyfin to Plex. Jellyfin seems to have active development whereas Plex is more interested in adding in a ton of "features" (aka garbage) that I never ever wanted and continues to leave YEARS old bugs out in the wild. I think it won't be long until Plex enshittifies itself to death. They clearly have a financial situation that is not aligned with its users.

[-] [email protected] 62 points 11 months ago

fuck this fucking guy so hard. The fact that he's been able to UP UNTIL NOW spend all his time in the lap of luxury in palo alto is a disgrace.

[-] [email protected] 74 points 11 months ago

My tin foil hat tells me that these captcha tests were never about preventing actual bots, but rather they were intentionally put in place for google / whoeverelse to get free training on their image recognition software ai.

[-] [email protected] 126 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Good, but like all other evil motions like this, they'll just take a short break, rebrand it / rework it / rename it / etc... and try again. And again. And again. Until everyone gets tired.

We have to stay diligent and keep defeating these assholes every time they try to take over the entire internet.

[-] [email protected] 85 points 11 months ago

yeah I think it means ... ALL OF IT.

also double sucks because a lot of people have no choice but to use zoom. jobs require it.

[-] [email protected] 66 points 11 months ago

hmmm yes I suppose that's true. Okay so let me rephrase: I'm amazed it's legal for a car manufacturer to even HAVE a TOS like that when you purchase a car. It shouldn't be legal to write language like "you are purchasing this but agreeing that you can't use it" ... wtf?

[-] [email protected] 221 points 11 months ago

I'm amazed that it's legal for a car company to sell you something, and then after you own it, remotely disable xyz aspects of the functionality unless you pay them more. How can that be legal? I own the car, it's MINE now, how can I not use every single thing that's in it?

[-] [email protected] 70 points 11 months ago

Please don’t use Brave. It’s got a bunch of crypto bullshit built into it, has a terrible track record of doing scummy shit, and to top it all off is based on chromium anyway.

Just use Firefox!

[-] [email protected] 45 points 1 year ago

Gotta love it! I wonder if spez is paying any attention at all. Or better yet if the actual people in charge are.

[-] [email protected] 140 points 1 year ago

This is a very good thing. Thank you EU for forcing us dirty heathens in NA to have consumer protections.

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