You gotta be careful with that sort of thing! Have people not seen Freakazoid?!
Just want to say it's good they didn't kill or make the franchise super mundane. They bought it, and kept improving on it.
I don't play Minecraft now, however I know enough people who still do and continue to love it (all these years later). That's just nice.
Full English, however as everyone has slight variations or additions:
Sausages, hash brown, fried mushrooms, fried bread, bacon, black pudding, baked beans, fried egg.
... And now I'm hungry again.
Good to see Arkansas getting some love.
I was some hours from Little Rock, however Northwest Arkansas region, and there was a lot of compassion witnessed. Was homeless there for a short while, and without the kind nature of people I wouldn't be here.
I mean, the rich drug dealers you know are rich from dealing, aren't the ones to have that lifestyle long term.
The sensible and rich drug dealers are the ones you wouldn't know about. Quite a few of them are landlords here in the UK (I can't provide numbers, just a what I know thing so I won't be offended if no one believes it - these are just my ramblings, officer).
Basically just sensible ways to turn black market income into seemingly legitimate income, through either self-employed businesses or other means.
They'll have seemingly regular jobs, and will do their best to appear legitimate to not raise any red flags. You'd be very surprised at who the most successful drug dealers are, however chances are you'll never know as well.
If someone weighs 120lbs and has severe munchies, probably from that Grave Reaper Vanilla Kush Zombie Lettuce OG, and eats 12lbs of tacos would that make them 10% Mexican?
I like that the new ones have more distinct size differences, for people who may be blind this is great as it is easier to tell which note is which by feel, preventing a lot of blind folks getting short-changed.
I was on a school trip to a hotel, and was handed some dragon fruit. They didn't tell me how to eat it, so I bit right into it. Took out a big chunk and wanting to try something new I kept chewing it.
The man had a look of what was a mix between horror and surprise on his face and told me to spit it out.
Not really a plate but I was handed something with inedible parts and no instructions. Similar I suppose?
My friend had this problem, I knew him for a while and couldn't figure it out. I believe he was a "Transpondster".
Hitler's mustache was initially longer, however there was a decision to trim it. There are various theories as to why it was trimmed and shaped into the toothbrush as we recognise it for today.
I'm just saying I don't think the market is going to be big enough for these models to even get close to emptying shelves. Maybe it's not the right time, I don't know, I'm just finding it difficult to see any use where people would find it more appealing than the form factors and devices they already have.
So what you're saying is taking a walk is beneficial for stabilising the heart rate?