
joined 2 years ago
[–] JadenSmith 13 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I have been getting more stoned in the past few days, in the hopes to provide more absolutely terrible jokes, however I went too far and binged a bunch of Mr. Rogers videos on YouTube with dabs.

Have you guys seen this man?! Someone this kind actually existed! Like man. Everyone needs to see Mr. Rogers stuff I think, it's like, proper positive and stuff.

[–] JadenSmith 6 points 2 days ago

That's exactly what the unicorn told me the poster would say!

[–] JadenSmith 8 points 2 days ago

This is good advice, I watched the video and couldn't even see it! Walked right into my fireplace.

[–] JadenSmith 46 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I remember when Skype first came out, when I was a teenager. I called a random guy in Japan; he was learning English, I wanted to learn Japanese (as is tradition for teenage anime fans). It was a very kind series of calls, and we talked a bit about Japanese culture too. He taught me, rather patiently, how to pronounce certain basic words properly.
It's a shame the service was treated like it has been. There was great potential in connecting people.

Wherever you are, random Japanese dude I forgot the name of, konbanwa!!

[–] JadenSmith 9 points 4 days ago

Hagelslag, rather different to sprinkles I've had anywhere else. They are far more chocolate tasting, less sugary.

I brought some back with me on a trip to Amsterdam, and I'm now going to bring back a few boxes each time I go!

[–] JadenSmith 11 points 1 week ago

I thought that's what the question was asking about? I'm confused.

[–] JadenSmith 14 points 1 week ago (13 children)

You'd get medicinal qualities, and a body relaxation, however you wouldn't get a cerebral high as the THC is not processed in a way that would allow it (when used anally).

[–] JadenSmith 4 points 1 week ago

You gotta turn that around! Give them reasons to ignore you!

I personally am keen to ramble on about potatoes, although to be fair I don't think this is accurate as it's difficult to talk too much about potato. I mean, potatoes are pretty much a worldwide thing, but do we really know where they come from? It's crazy when you think about the sheer prevalence of potato. But then again it's difficult to find opposition to the consumption of potato, yet isn't it strange how there's no potato religion? Or maybe there is or was. Imagine if we recorded the History of the potato. Imagine just how far back our adoration for potato goes! I wonder what neanderthals did with potatoes...

[–] JadenSmith 2 points 1 week ago

I think that's pretty much it. Future proofing seems to be the idea I'm getting, that and customisations/custom firmware. I used to have custom screensavers on one many years ago, which I'm going to do again.

[–] JadenSmith 1 points 1 week ago

Not a recommendation, saying mine is not too old. Random info as part of discussion.

[–] JadenSmith 14 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I've got an old Kindle, but not too old, which I jailbroke just yesterday with Winter break. I recommend that method for those considering getting drm free usage out of their device (instead of it contributing to ewaste).

[–] JadenSmith 1 points 1 week ago

When they get too long, the industry sells the hairs to Hollywood, for various props like long beards.
I don't get to meet anyone famous, though Sir Ian McKellen said thanks once or three times.

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