They always have. See: moderators
I just don't understand why he heard an alarm and thought "probably nothing. let me just turn it off" instead of thinking that he should alert someone. Alarms don't go off for no reason.
if we go by the 90/9/1 rule then that means that only 1K of users are creating the vast majority of the content across the while fediverse.
If I recall, in order to use sand for industrial stuff, it needs to be pretty rough and really only beach sand is good enough. The only kinds of sand are too smooth.
They stopped doing flash sales when refunds were a thing. People could buy a game, see it was 90% later, refund and buy it when it was much cheaper. Or if you a week or two before the sale you could do the same thing, but the lightning deals has the biggest impact for refunds. Steam didn't stop them, but the game devs just stopped in light of that.
I know people really like refunds but I miss absolutely ridiculously low priced games. The games used to be so cheap, I couldn't even care if a game was actually trash. Got it for a dollar who cares.
I saw this before I guess it got taken down. I thought it was funny.
I've never been more glad I kept declining the windows 11 upgrade.
Okay, it seems like you're right. I tried "my.instance/c/[email protected]" and I saw posts. I guess nothing is wrong. Thanks for clearing everything up for me!
Yeah I was just about to say. What do they think a spam filter is but admins protecting you. This isn't even talking about the trust system within emails where you can't email someone al all basically if your email server isn't trusted and configured correctly.
At least they gave us Rocko to let us know what adulting would be like before we got there.
Resume rot and working and to you drop are very different ideas. It's not worth taking a chill job if it means that you're unhireable for your next job. There are plenty of chill jobs that grow your resume.
That wouldn't solve the problem. The problem is people buying the full priced game, refunding and then getting the lightning deal game. You didn't used to be able to do that.