Must be a fascist thing.
Except he actually got arrested. Bit too poor probably.
They must hate freedom!!
Maybe every six months or something so I can keep track of it yes. Also if you are a registered charity and offer tax deductions, why can't you just submit the credit directly to my tax account so I can see that on the six month statement? Trying to make me Remember it and submit receipts feels like one of those stupid rebate deals where they make the process unnecessarily cumbersome just as a barrier to entry.
Page right out of the TSA's handbook!
Looks even better lit up like that!
Bookmarking this, but still sounds a bit more of a hassle than it should be. I've done this before with some paid software packages and am disappointed this is not part of the operating system. Like, hey OS. It's 2024 and I'd like to upgrade my HD. Can you give me a hand? Go fuck myself? - go spend 4 hours nervously playing with software I've never heard of before? OS I thought we were cool??
Are we being denied a picture of it lighting up?!
By this logic you really can't expect me to pee in the toilet. I can't have a fire hose adapter hanging off of me just to pee straight down all the time. I was born for snow writing, and I'm coming to a yard near you!
A deeper investigation found they are manufactured by the same company that produces McDonald's ice-cream machines.
Probably not, but I would love to see this somehow turned into part of the assault since that barrier was broken here thus making her actions criminal.
And people here always giving US a hard time about lack of public transit.