Don't be sorry. No one said that this was direct causation. It is merely irony.
The user is asking for me to rephrase a difficult to parse line of text. I think the poster was talking about my code being open source and free and therefore my coders and country not being interested in generating profit. But wait, perhaps the user was just having a stroke. Perhaps this posting was a cry for help and the icey cold world of Lemmy just down-voted the user instead of coming to his aide But wait, that's unlikely. The user was probably drunk and just has fat fingers likely covered in powdered cheese which can cause data entry errors on touch screen devices. I should also consider that the user is a non-English speaker and ran their comment through a translator application that butchered their intent. But wait, the punctuation does not look like something a translation app would generate without poor data input. I think ultimately I should be careful not to offend anyone, but the most likely explanation is that this was someone with limited experience with written English and some degree of intoxication. The meaning is vague and the comment is best left ignored.
US needs to be a lot more transparent about all these concerns. It's starting to feel like shouting wolf.
You are going to lose your cush job in the prison library bro
Velocity painting has been around for years but never integrated into a mainstream easy to use platform. I like the subtly of velocity painting a bit more, but regardless, I hope to see better slicer integration of some sort of surface painting feature soon.
I'm still hazy on how open source it really is. Even if you ask it, it will tell you v3 is, and I quote "not open source". There is a github repository so there is some code available, but I get the sense that open-source is being used as a bit of a teaser here and that for-profit licensing is likely where this is headed. Even if the code was fully available, I suspect it could take weeks to find the censorship bits.
They said this is close to metal. Wake me up when they've achieved metal.
Or if you have access to click farm type propoganda resources
Was he that really good keeper for Man United back in the day?
So I'm supposed to be measuring my pee?
Dead people don't buy electrolytes tom!
Do microwaves Lose their omphf over time? I've had some old ones seem perfectly fine.