If you mass kill animals as your businessplan, maybe your values in other aspects are also kind of low.
Would we even hear about it? Him and his inner circle know pretty well the biggest flaw of autocratic systems and dictatorships: peaceful transfer of powers. If Putin will die, chances are we will only hear about it a week after, when the new positions are set and the new opponents are selected and incarcerated
Be the change you want to see in the world 🙌
It was never more rewarding.
Яeifeisen Bankowski
Never had, never will be.
The only way for Russians to get a country with working waterlines, a functioning society and a developed infrastructure, is to stop now, and work on it for the next 10-20 years… or invade another country. They will only choose the war over reflecting about their own inhumane rubble of a society - or even actually developing it.
Büst nit unt'n Norden is dat schwer to verstohn
In Germany live a lot former soviet citizens who vote AfD and watch russian state propaganda on TV ( like Maga with Fox). We should not support that program distribution!
Best summary. The people of Myanmar fight for their freedom while China is arming the suppressors.
There is no right to have an account. Especially if you have an account in an authocratic website/country. You can be fired/deleted/silenced at will without any right for reinstatement. Therefore X and FB or other can and will never be the spearhead of a movement in any country, if it can be take away at the blink of an eye in arbitrariness. Who is curious and wants to follow certain streams in our society, you need to inform yourself on where and how. That is work and takes ambition. People losely following on X for updates on how proceed will always be tourists. The Revolution will not be televised. The next steps by the underground will never be aired on TV or X. If you still think you could use Whatsapp and Facebook to fight the system only has a shallow understanding of the goals. I do understand that public plattforms have reach and therefore are a good start for grassrooting of public opionions, but as you can see, it does not scale over time. If you are invested in the resistance and care for the topic, you need to search other places to communicate what is undesired to discuss. If all it takes, to lose your strings, is to delete an X account to bringt you back to shrugging "Nothing we can do", you never were invested in the first place. But if you read this text on [email protected], you probably are already aware of this.
Crazy wie er die letzten 3 Jahre durch sämtliche Think-Tanks gegangen ist um sein ohnehin weiches hirn komplett auf die Spur zu bringen für seine Aufgaben der nächsten 30 Jahre. So sieht ein junger Boris Johnson aus, bevor er eines Tages Kanzler wird.