Why are they hosting their code on Github? Switch to Codeberg or maybe self host. And yes I know Github has the most users but they're dealing with something radioactive.
This is what I've been saying for the longest. If you rely on the US then you get what you deserve. Build your own shit. People kept mistaking what I was saying as being some arrogant American. No, I was warning you not to rely on anyone but yourselves. Build your own tech companies, defense systems, etc. Even if we elect someone sane in the next election we will still have the MAGA element here so don't trust the US.
Thanks for the info. As long as the Steam Deck has been out and the momentum is getting they should at least have SteamOS support.
It's all theatrics.
I'm just gonna read the Manga and use my imagination so I can move on with my life. How many movies will this be?
Thailand deported at least 40 Uyghurs to China, drawing condemnation from Germany, the U.S., Australia, and the UN.
This anime cut out so much spicy material. Tis a shame.
Photoshop can remove the clothes off a child too. Should we ban that and arrest people that use it? What about scissors and tape? You know the old fashion way. Take a picture of a child and put the face on someone else body. Should we arrest people for doing that? This is all a waste of money and resources. Go after actual abusers and save real children instead of imaginary AI generated 1's and 0's.
That's all they have, They sit behind a keyboard raging at the world because things aren't the way they want. All that energy would be better placed in looking for solutions.
Looks like more of a chance of false positives happening and getting the police to raid your home to confiscate your devices. I don't care what the article says I know Google is getting access to that data because that's who they are.
Tech doesn't make the world better. It's a tool that's been used to make rich people richer. Everyday people coming together for a greater cause makes the world better.