Shareholders: "Then make more people you incompetent fucks!"
X buttons are another problem, light grey and fucken 10% opacity on a white background and the target is right in the middle of the intersect.
Oh yeah I get it. And I'm not adverse to learning new things. If anything I'm interested in moving to Linux to learn something new but as I mentioned on another post for me it's about time. Between work and 3 kids, I don't have much of it, not enough to barely do the things I want to do but maybe one day. If I make the switch to Linux, I need everything that I have going on Windows now, to just work.
Good, maybe they'll put this IP down for a while and give us some more Splinter Cell!
I've recently been convinced to try Linux again because it's so easy etc but I didn't about repacks and fuck, why does it seem so complicated? Windows, 2 clicks of a button and it's done...
I'm very intrigued by everyone's responses and appreciate them. I'm very tempted to give it a go. Perhaps while I'm on leave at the end of the year. Is there a distro that you'd recommend? I mainly game, do game development and watch plex. It's also critical that onedrive works flawlessly. And I also have xbox game pass, this needs to work on Linux too. Doing a quick search, I don't think it does?
It's amazing how some people prefer death an as option over upgrading an OS lol
I'd like to try Linux for real one day, I've hap hazardly tried it a few times over the years but ahh fuck it. I barely have time these days to do shit that I want than worry about switching OS's, maybe when I retire one day or kids move out. Probably too late then, MS will have all the data on me that everyone is so concerned about.
Terrordactyl protection rackets
You mean barely functional?
Yep, there's an Aussie footballer called Buddy Franklin. Though it's an alias.
Smile! No Smile harder bitch!