This thing must have been done years ago, not after the reelection of Trump. Now, these big techs will try everything to weaken or destroy the EU.
The issue is that you can kick him out. You must keep him for at least 4 years...
I think that the Canadian politicians fear that then the economic struggle due to tariff wars may cause resentment against them than the USA. So they try to find a way to avoid a war
The issue is how to bring people to use lemmy. People go there it can find interactions, comments, and contents. Lemmy due low number of users... it's complicated.
For example, I'm from Italy and from Italian communities, and you find very difficult posts with comments or upvoted. It's obvious that you'll see that the environment is not so alive.
Tranquilli, avranno trovato solo una marea di ricette per il cibo da sagra.
È un'azienda è ovvio che cerca di inserirsi in un ambito che le sembra promettente per farsi i soldi...
Chiesa se la mossa di Zucky funzionerà... Cercando di approfittare dagli eventi di Twitter di Elon.
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