Isn't a DMZ the place where one should specifically not find weapons of any kind and especially not autonomous ones?
This is the first time I see this "classic'. It has so much potential for further development.
The router takes your Internet connection and shares it on a WiFi network it creates, you do not buy WiFi from an ISP but you do need an ISP.
I use imagepipe which has similar functions but it's seven times smaller:
I do not feel anything about them, I have never noticed one. The only thing I see is people complaining about them…
If someone told me over twenty years ago that one day I would not be using Gentoo, Enlightenment, screen, bash and ssh. I would have had a hard time believing it yet now I am using Arch, i3wm, tmux, fish and mosh. Gkrellm was always permanently running on my desktop at that time too.
What is hump day?
There may be phones that allow you to do this and there are also smart rings you may be able to use by cloning the card with a proxmark 3, a flipper 0 or other similar devices.
How does it compare to Midnight Commander?
This is dumb, the is no point in using mkfs just before dding an ISO on a drive, even if it is the wrong one.
Longest direction first for me, no matter where I go it is two steps then one.