submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've always had social and general anxiety, but it's worries about finances that will turn it into something crippling.

I work on commission. there are days where the anxiety is beyond the tipping point where it's no longer a performance enhancer, but makes it difficult for me to do my job.

so today, I had one chance to make a sale. if I didn't make it, I was probably going to have to take klonopin through the weekend. but then I made the sale, and it hit harder than a fistful of Xanax

i fucking hate this world dude.

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi. I'm new here. I am a workaholic. When I started to notice my mental decline I was working in very important role at one of the largest companies in the world. All I could see was the end prize, financial freedom. A few years in I knew I was going through health issues because sleeping was rough, I always felt on edge. All I wanted to do was make sure my wife would be set up if I died.

One day I could not take it anymore. I went to a different company. Took less than a week and I had the big one. A complete breakdown. I didn't know what it was until a friend told me it may be panic attacks.

I got let go in about a year. I've been bouncing around jobs since. I get back up, I apply myself, I'm determined; or more like super productive due to stress.

Then I heard about a friend's spouse who died of cancer. They were younger than myself. It just breaks me with a lot of what-if questions. If this happened to me, I didn't enjoy life. I just worked. I got little progress to show for it except money in what feels like a doomed economy. I worked to make sure my wife can live an enjoyable life when I am gone. I don't have a clue how to have fun.

I am now stuck with a lot of what-if questions that don't have answers. I start my new job in about a week. It's a good company, pays well, allegedly they care a lot about their employees. I just wish life would slow down enough to process things; deal with the anxiety issues. Now that I can breathe a bit again and about to regain my footing I feel more stressed.

Tl;dr I don't know how not to have my life revolve around work.

Edit: feel free to offer advice. I'm kind of just in my own anxiety right now.

Follow Up (lemm.ee)
submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I went to the doctor. I lost 20 pounds or so since I was last there. I was prescribed new medication for the anxiety. I am to come back in 6 weeks as they were concerned about my weight loss and medication check up. They also said the chance of cancer is low at my age (mid 30s) and asked for s family history of it. Which it seems like most family members had it later in life.

Now I'm really worried about my weight. I already lack an appetite during stressful times.

Anyone else have any similar experiences?

submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For example my keys jingling in my pocket, my jacket sleeve moving against my torso, and to a lesser extent my footsteps make me anxious. I'm curious does anyone else experiences this?

I'm not sure if it's anxiety or something grander. Wearing noise cancelling headphones helps though.

I kind of feel like the noise version of a Nightkin.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I had been on lexapro/escitalopram for years but asked for something different to help with weight. Switched to Trintellix several months ago, but it's not working very well and my weight is the same. Doc gave me option to try adding buspirone or go back to escitalopram. I chose buspirone. Anyone else tried it?

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago by pugsnroses77 to c/[email protected]

I have a 14 hour road trip coming up next month that I have been nausetingly nervous about an entire month out. I'm even trying to seek out a counselor for a bit beforehand because near daily I get sick to my stomach thinking about it. I have bad driving anxiety and I know thats the core of it, but I'm also nervouse since I dont know the people I'm going with super super well, which adds to the driving anxiety component as well as just general anxiety. I'm also super nervous about being tired/feeling sick during the trip and terrified of being away from home/my partner for the week, and dreading the exhaustion upon returning and attempting to finish the work week. my work is also offering to send me to a conference a few days after I get back but the fear of exhaustion + another two hour drive so soon just adds even more anxiety. any advice??

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

[] was used for editors notes:

top text (roughly): tfw [use mfw instead?] my anxiety (unmedicated [parenthesis?]) feels like physical [remove the word physical? it doesn't literally feel like physical pain] pain that makes it too painful [already said pain before, replace with a synonym?] to focus on anything else [overall this should be shortened, too wordy]

top text without editor's notesmfw my anxiety (unmedicated) feels like physical pain that makes it too painful to focus on anything else

I was gonna use that video of burning in hell from that one r/distressingmemes post (CW: scary video and sounds: link)

I decided not to make this meme as it didn't sound all that interesting and felt self centered, and I knew some people would be spooked by the meme template used

I would have probably posted it to c/196 or c/[email protected]

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

i have an appt i'm nervous about and then i was thinking about these passages I read:

But it seems to me that emotion and its expression are almost the same thing. Let us take your cat: now suppose we shave her tail, so that it cannot shall I say perscopate or bristle; suppose we attach a board to her back, so that it cannot arch; suppose we then exhibit a displeasing sight – a sportive dog, for instance. Now, she cannot express her emotions fully: Quaere: will she feel them fully? She will feel them, to be sure, since we have suppressed only the grossest manifestations; but will she feel them fully? Is not the arch, the bottle-brush, an integral part and not merely a potent reinforcement – though it is that too?

...and you have no doubt taken notice of the impassive faces of the captured men? It is always so, I believe? And does it not seem to you that this suppression, this denial of the outward signs, and as I believe reinforcers if not actually ingredients of the distress – does it not seem to you that this stoical appearance of indifference in fact diminishes the pain?

this is insane i cannot believe it worked so well. like, almost instantly i felt the vibrations go down

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

it's just you hear so many horror stories about it all. both about the apps themselves and just from people's bad relationships in general. it's a huge life change to go from single to actively going on dates [or whatever the term is], i feel like, because you're being emotionally vulnerable, which is important / challenging, and committing to a lasting thing ostensibly as well. and i'd have to make sure my apartment is cleaner in all the specific neat little ways.

i mean i want to message back but every time it's like i stress myself out and overanalzye what they said and what i should say and i can't even enjoy it -- does anyone enjoy that part?

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

i've had this since 5th grade, if i have anything pending i worry and worry until it's done; i'm working full time, i need time to rest and not go insane

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I’m having to take Doxycycline for a severe chronic sinus infection and it puts me through the roof. Last night was the fist dose and I was out of my mind. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t focus on anything and all I could do was get up and pace around every 10 minutes or so.

Also, I have to have some of my back teeth removed and my ENT wants to do a procedure called Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. This is all too much for me to handle. I know that it’s all necessary and if I don’t do it, the infection could kill me- but any surgeries scare the shit out of me on a good day- and the meds are making it worse.

Apologies if I’m all over the place, but I’m out of my mind with all of this and I can’t calm down. I don’t know what to do. I can’t find a safe place in my mind to take a break from this and just be okay. Nothing feels okay.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I was on #nortriptyline for a couple years for nerve pain. It wasn't helping but side effects got worse so I quit in about a week. Felt pretty good for a few months but #anxiety got bad causing me to lose weight. Have a list of non-habit forming anti anxiety meds and started drinking protein drinks(2x30g) and exercise. Weight is slowly coming back and I can go about 4 days before anxiety gets bad again. anti-anxiety list from best first; hydroxyzine(25mg)/4 days, buspirone(2.5mg/day), tryptophan at night, #CBD oil/THC(as needed), meditation, ashwagandha. Had an #aneurysm in 2017 and was put on various #antidepressants for neuropathy. It's been about 6 months since quitting nortriptyline and I'm hoping to get to where I don't need anything. meditation/relaxation helps most with pain. Any experience with #tricyclic antidepressant withdrawal?

hypno/meditation vids from a psych counselor: https://yourbrainisalwayslistening.com/book-order/bonus/audio-meditation/ Thanks, Mike

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What are you favorite skills or tricks for dealing with your anxiety?

I'll start. I've discovered that earplugs (I use loops) make dealing with loud places like restaurants so much easier! I used to eat and run from family meals. Now I can at least hang out after I finish eating, if not easily participate in the conversation.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

To preface, i do have some trauma, regarding two separate incidents that happened years ago and years apart, but since the last i have found it difficult to be outside sober without getting very anxious about my safety.

Walking past anyone, the potential of locking eyes or the potential of random people talking to me are things i worry about or become almost fixated on regardless of who they are and who im with. I cant just walk down a street, even busy ones without being hyper vigilant.

Has anyone ever gotten over this kind of anxiety? If so, how?

(Ive been to therapy and I've already processed a lot of what happened, but i still get this anxiety when leaving the house or just being outside in the streets)

Welcome (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Enjoy your stay, feel free to leave suggestions under this post.


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Community for individuals with anxiety for exchange and helping each other.

This is a non-judgemental community and everyone is welcome as long as you apply to the TOS and follow basic etiquette.

No -isms, just be nice.

Keep in mind that this does not equal an exchange with a medical/mental health professional.

founded 1 year ago