So there is a little bit of nuance. They could deliver letters, but they wouldn't have legal access to mailboxes... Which is a pretty big hinderance.
Not saying I disagree, just that it's one edge USPS has verse their massive mandate.
So there is a little bit of nuance. They could deliver letters, but they wouldn't have legal access to mailboxes... Which is a pretty big hinderance.
Not saying I disagree, just that it's one edge USPS has verse their massive mandate.
It's his worst nightmare if reporting is to be believed.
Honestly there should be both. Just make the trigger for the general recall an exceptionally high bar.
Farms have increased prices 10-20% but the shelf is seeing 200%+ increases.
Its absolutely not an "American thing" Just about every asian country eats more eggs than Americans per capita. It's in like half or more of their staple dishes.
And Mexicans somehow eat even more eggs than Asians. (Surprising Google discovery)
My assault bears are outfitted with those wolverine blades. They are absolutely devastating to my furniture.
Because they are somehow classified as percussion instruments. As far as I know you can legally buy a cap and ball colt without paperwork.
Well April 2nd is our supposed "national day of prosperity". Which analysts think means he is going to enact global tariffs as well as all the retaliatory tariffs he is planning.
That's kind of what happens when your government and economy functions off of corruption.
Is there an app or something that tallies that?
Some of MAGA actually likes Bernie though. A number of them would have voted for him and he would have almost certainly won.
Congress has a hard time passing legislation. Doing so would effectively kill USPS anyway. There is no way they could compete with their mandates.