you see, if the City does that then it's the city's responsibility to maintain, both the infrastructure for transportation and the transportation itself. With cars, they only do infrastructure
yes, the code is there on github or you can use ollama and huggingface to download and run on your machine
my taking offense isn't even because of the race mostly. it's because they are saying it's a clone of o1. Of which it is not. That's some very good development that's been done and open sourced so anyone can use it for free which is being overshadowed by the fact that it happened in China and not 'murica
no extensions on ios
that's odd. in south africa while we don't have a digital license the physical ones do have a code. they scan the code and that's it. they never take the license unless they asking for a bribe.
looks more to me like he went from "Red"dit to "Green Text" (4chan)
he's not attacking that part of medicine. he has no quarrel with Doctors etc. it's the exhorbitent amount of money pharmcorp is charging for what can essentially be life saving medicine.
In my country we have dedicated people in the parking who literally follow you, can even push and collect the cart from you.
he obviously orders 2 of everything
“In court, Ashley Mowrey, a clinical forensic psychologist at the San Francisco Forensic Institute, testified that Gonzalez scored above average on one sexual risk assessment test, and as a moderate risk on another, but didn’t show signs of pedophilia or sexual sadism, according to Lookout Santa Cruz.”
The guy lured a kid and raped and killed her. To me this just shows the tests are f?ck-d up.
Now that Mozilla's fucked. What's the next option that's not Chromium?