This story is super sus. Out of state cops shoot and kill a man carrying knives blocks away from a hitler convention. I wonder if those cops were hired by hitler to be extra 'viligant' and possibly are huge supporters of hitler themselves.
Yes. He said both what I wrote and wanting revenge, saying he will be a dictator for one day, day one. This video has both clips, if you want to skip to 8:17 for the revenge and judgment day after that:
Republican states are the worst states to live in, and instead of trying to improve their life and get nice things, they resort to attacking people for their problems. They want to remove and tear down agencies, the balances of power, and other programs and regulations because they are not happy with their own state governance. Instead of reflecting on their own cooked ideas, they are violent, hateful, and destructive, and don't realize without the nice things that took a long time to implement, they would have a dystopian hellscape. They would rather blame anyone other than themselves. And no strong leader figure promising a paradise is going to give you the solution, he's just Hitler, and history remembers how that turned out.
I bookmark with my location, which has that gif and other figures available on the page.
This would be amazing if he can do it. At least he's promising good changes vs trump promising judgment day on day one...
TIL, didn't know how important it is.
Uhh wtf? I use NOAA to get my weather, no ads, no bs.
Such a good short video. Never saw that last bit where trump says he doesn't care about his followers and only wants their votes.
Heard about this. Another corrupt judge, surprise, surprise. Glad the lawyer is okay, but I wish judges received real punishment.
Wish the FBI would investigate for corruption like they did here:
I hope he has a breakdown and it's public when he loses again.
Wished american services and government functions are course(s) taught in middle and high school. It's a huge shame that almost no knows how the government works in detail, including me, as I have to learn as I go.