[-] 9488fcea02a9 60 points 3 weeks ago

My bank used to complain that my browser was out of date. I wrote an email to customer service explaining to them that:

A) debian's "out of date" browser actually includes all up to date security patches. B) simply reading the browser agent isnt really security. I had simply been spoofing my browser agent to get around their silly browser "security" policy

They removed the browser check 2 weeks later. Not sure if it was because of me

[-] 9488fcea02a9 69 points 2 months ago

Debian sid user here, and long time keepassxc user

Debian maintainer didnt communicate this well, but i agree that i dont want my password manager having any access to networking or interacting with anything other than the clipboard.

I'm not a developer or a security expert. This is just my gut feeling talking

[-] 9488fcea02a9 44 points 2 months ago

Did you know the early early internet researchers were part of a clandestine government organization known as ARPANET???? The entire TCP/IP stack is just a state-sponsored backdoor into your life!!!


[-] 9488fcea02a9 42 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I cant believe i only learned about tldr two weeks ago....

It's been a total gamechanger for me. I have such shitty memory for options flags. I'm pretty comfortable with the terminal and i've been full time linux for 15 years now

But i STILL cant remember common options for basic stuff like tar and curl....

curl output to file.... -O or -o??? Have to look it up every time

[-] 9488fcea02a9 51 points 4 months ago

I hope the message thst came back was "i am V'ger"

[-] 9488fcea02a9 77 points 6 months ago
[-] 9488fcea02a9 65 points 6 months ago

The bank isnt even that rich... They are allowed to just dream up the money from nothing and lend it to you.

And if you miss a payment, they get to reposses a real asset.

This is the biggest scam in history. The bank lends you imaginary money, and then reposesses a real asset

[-] 9488fcea02a9 43 points 7 months ago

I would buy one in a heartbeat if it was smaller.... My S22 barely fits in my pants pocket, and barely usable with one hand.

Still waiting for compact phones to return...RIP sony xperia

[-] 9488fcea02a9 57 points 8 months ago

Podman didnt silently rewrite my firewall rules upon install

10/10 would recommend

[-] 9488fcea02a9 45 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Long live debian! Long live the king!

[-] 9488fcea02a9 49 points 1 year ago

Wrong... Blame fossil fuel industry, blame the auto industry, blame tax cuts that result in the defunding of forestry management. and then most of all, blame ourselves for enabling all of the above

THEN we can join hands and fix this

[-] 9488fcea02a9 69 points 1 year ago

Didnt know the apollo dev is from halifax.... Makes me even more angry that reddit CEO tried to make him look like a liar

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