[-] [email protected] 25 points 3 months ago

I watched an elderly couple walk out of The Aristocrats. It just added to the whole experience. But on top of that, the movie started with Morgan Freeman narrating some bullshit about cold weather. Some penguins appeared on screen and everyone collectively realized they had accidentally started playing fucking March of the Penguins!

All around a night well spent

[-] [email protected] 27 points 5 months ago

That left-align is just 🤌

[-] [email protected] 24 points 6 months ago

Imagine being the first one to use a fresh porta potty. No smell, other than that blue chemical water down at the bottom. It's so damn clean.

"Great!" you exclaim with excitement. So you sit down on that smooth dry toilet seat and, relaxing, a tremendous donker just falls right out of you.

The mass is too great. The distance. The speed and acceleration. It isn't even a second of time, but you know. You know.


A cold blue kiss races towards the moon. A moon so relaxed the single crater yawns beckoningly wide. The kiss forms into a dull spear, racing towards the darkened maw. It enters beyond the shadow. Fully into the heavenly body. Cold meets heat.

You yelp in shock. There is cold artificially blue water deep in your butthole. The sudden tension passes and as your muscles relax again, some of that cold drains back down to earth. A light shower.

You were looking forward to this festival all year and you spend the entire time distractedly thinking in shame about how something so fortuitous turned to disaster in moments. You didn't bring a change of underwear. Why would you?

[-] [email protected] 22 points 6 months ago

Do we now need OOTL and Lemmy Drama communities? I was also wondering why this new comm appeared.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 6 months ago

Do more stretches because my back and legs hate me. Not super ambitious but.. yeah

[-] [email protected] 26 points 8 months ago

Having grown up where David Duke also lives, ambiguously failing the paper bag test, and coming of age during 9/11, I encountered a wide variety of racial insults. Many of them involved the n-word.

The most memorable one for me happened after the orator learned that I was neither black, Arabic, Hispanic, Italian, nor Asian.

"Oh you're Hawaiian? I heard you Island N-words don't even sing the National Anthem."

The other aggressors as well as my friends burst into laughter at how ridiculously stupid his statement sounded. Even his buddy was like, "Hawaii is a state you fucking idiot."

The encounter ended and we all moved on but I still laugh when it pops into my head

[-] [email protected] 23 points 9 months ago

The subject in the photo is turned 45⁰ from the camera

[-] [email protected] 22 points 10 months ago

Anecdotally, the majority of fathers really are inept. I can't believe the amount of guys who play into the stereotype. Pride in not ever having changed a diaper, complaining about having to babysit their own kids, generally buffoonery when trying to get me to relate to their shit takes on fatherhood. Even some of my friends aren't truly thinking about their role as both parent and partner.

That said, when I'm out "alone" with one or both of my children and this scenario plays out, it really gets to me. I may not know or remember everything at all times when it comes to good parenting but I sure as fuck know that if I put socks on my son when he was a baby he'd flip a fucking table. The boy doesn't want socks, ma'am. And dont take my picture.

It only gets to me for a short time because I feel like I'm receiving what my partner gets every damn day about everything else. Getting talked down to based on perceived gender biases

[-] [email protected] 26 points 10 months ago

Is that why I couldn't siphon my gas that I needed for a generator after a hurricane? Not only did I fail at what I thought would be an easy task, I got sick and threw up in my 95⁰ house

[-] [email protected] 25 points 10 months ago

Risa randomly started showing up a lot in my feed this week and I'm better for it. That last one made me laugh out loud, which made my injured sides hurt

[-] [email protected] 26 points 11 months ago

He went on to complain about woke shit at his very next speaking event. Don't give him even that much credit

[-] [email protected] 23 points 11 months ago

I don't remember prince having any other name than Ƭ̵̬̊, which was unpronounceable.

On a related note, Sinéad O'Connor, as a public figure, may have been ok with the media continuing to use her professional name. I'm only basing this off the article stating she also used her birth name publicly. It is interesting though, because Mos Def goes by Yasiin Bey both privately and publicly. But then we still call Yusuf Islam Cat Stevens, while Muhammad Ali's birth name is more of a trivia nugget.

Are you implying that the media didn't use her chosen name because she was Muslim or because she was a woman? I'm not trying to be condescending.

Could it be because she tore up the Pope on TV like a fucking boss?

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