c/daylio: Daylio

A place for Daylio people to share and commiserate.

34 subscribers, a community founded 15 hours ago
c/[email protected]: Project Pansystellar development (love and freedom for the rest of us)

Project Pansystellar is the attempt of @[email protected] to harness the intellectual potential of his journey in which he courageously repeanted, destroyed an addiction, built social confidence from almost nothing, and gained understanding of the path towards having a girlfriend. The goal is to share the current mindset and the gained wisdom in a way that allows anyone to replicate it, which involves pursuing an ambitious level of simplicity, concreteness, and accessibility. In other words, Project Pansystellar will be love and freedom for the rest of us. The end result will probably be a video.

This community is for experimental stuff.

33 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/wholesomegreentext: Wholesome Green Text
117 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/[email protected]: Gay et amateur de (voyages) en train, tram, bus ou autres modes de transports publics

Communauté pour discuter de sujets ayant rapport aux transports publics, pour communiquer des informations sur de nouvelles lignes, services, le tout de manière positive et pertinente. Vous pouvez aussi partager des idées de voyages, de visites (musées ferroviaires ou tramivaires), faire découvrir des lignes touristiques, Présenter votre ligne de train ou de bus.

Une précision pour la clarté : cette communauté n’est pas un bureau des réclamations, pour cela, il y a les services clientèles des opérateurs de transport public.

Ouvert à tou.te.s, LGBTQIA+ et les sympathisant.e.s partageant ces valeurs, ce lieu se veut amical, inclusif, bienveillant et sûr, à l’abri de l’homophobie et de toute autre forme de discrimination.

Pas de contenu sensible, pour adulte ou NSFW, merci.

4 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/[email protected]: Fierté LGBTQIA+

Ceci est une communauté francophone où des personnes LGBTQIA+ peuvent venir s'exprimer en toute liberté et dans le respect. Faisons tout notre possible afin que cette communauté soit un espace inclusif et sécuritaire pour toustes.

Toute forme d'intolérance, d'abus ou de violence ne sera pas toléré et résultera en un ban immédiat et permanent et sera rapporté aux administrateurs du serveur. On ne plaisante pas.

1 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/[email protected]: Mario Kart

A community for the legendary Mario Kart game, for all versions of Nintendo and mobile (World Tour). Share videos, talk strategies, and brag about your fastest times!

12 subscribers, a community founded 2 days ago
c/[email protected]: DIY

Whether it's driven by anti-capitalism, community resiliency, or mutual aid, it is valuable to learn new skills and share your learnings with your comrades.

A few guidelines to keep this community welcoming:

  • DO feel free to post asking for advice
  • DO feel free to share things that did not work, mistakes are valuable lessons
  • DO remember to use inclusive language
  • DO remember that you are worth more than your use to other and your productivity
  • DO NOT post content from the rugged lone survivor perspective. The intent behind this community is to build collaboration and demonstrate the value of teamwork.
  • DO NOT provide unsolicited advice. People who are looking for input can indicate this clearly in their post or comment
  • DO NOT post things that are weapons, violent, or dangerous. If you have questions about safety with respect to anything posted, please leave a comment and best practices, protective equipment, etc can be discussed.
  • DO NOT post anything that is speciesist, i.e. animal 'agriculture' or use of animal or insect body parts. This is a vegan space.

Other communities that may interest you:

1 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/soundfontcovers: Soundfont Covers

Have you ever been recommended a popular song remade using your favourite games' soundfont?

This community is for those (and other related works).

37 subscribers, a community founded 3 days ago
c/[email protected]: Non-Voters: Trumpists in disguise

Welcome to Non-Voters, a safe space for closet Trump fans, Stalinists who never did any direct action in their lives, and self-hating trans people who want to be genocided and to take the West Bank with us!

/uj This is a parody sub designed to make fun of non-voting liberals who pretend to be leftists.

Rule 1, Unjerk Tagging: Any genuinely held leftist opinions must be tagged with the /uj tone tag.
Liberal opinions we are mocking should not be tagged /uj.

Rule 2, Taking It Too Far: No slurs, no heil hitlers, bigotry shouldn't be too believable, no misgendering.

Rule 3, Clarity of Satire: All posts should clearly be marked as satire such that nobody scrolling the feed casually could think we actually believe this shit. Go wild in the comments.

Rule 4, Unironic Advocacy: People who actually believe in the conservative, liberal, stalinist, reactionary, and/or bigoted takes here will be made fun of in the spirit of the joke.

1 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/[email protected]: Eltern

Community über das Elternsein und alles darum herum.

1 subscribers, a community founded 2 days ago
c/[email protected]: Constructed Languages

Welcome to [email protected]! This community is geared towards people who seek to discuss artificial languages or create and showcase their own.


  1. Be nice to each other. Respect each others opinions and artistic choices.
  2. Stay on topic, if you wish to discuss general linguistics, check out [email protected] (Kbin link)
  3. No low effort posts and comments. This also includes memes.
  4. When referencing real life linguistics, make sure to cite your sources.

For conlanging resources, check the Megathread.

Related Communities

For linguistic memes check out [email protected] (Kbin link)

For worldbuilding discussion check out [email protected] (Kbin link) Feel free to discuss the setting of your conlangs in our community, though.

Happy conlanging!

86 subscribers, a community founded 5 days ago
c/[email protected]: Pleasant Politics

Politics without the jerks.

This community is watched over by a ruthless robot moderator to keep out bad actors. I don't know if it will work. Read [email protected] for a full explanation. The short version is don't be a net negative to the community and you can post here.

Post political news, or your own opinions or discussion. Anything goes. No personal attacks, no bigotry, no spam. Those will get a manual temporary ban.

12 subscribers, a community founded 4 days ago
c/[email protected]: Desi Quest

Community to discuss anything related to the show:

Desi Quest!

A high-quality actual play Dungeons & Dragons show featuring an all South Asian cast, led by GM Jasmine Bhullar. The players are Rekha Shankar, Anjali Bhimani, Omar Najam, and (also director) Sandeep Parikh,

Welcome to Vehaar, a one-of-a-kind homebrewed world with Desi culture infused in its DNA with influences drawn from the subcontinent’s rich and storied history. Everything from the Bronze Age Indus Valley civilization to the ancient epics of the Mahabharata will inspire the distinct mythos of this universe, created from scratch by Jasmine, that our player characters will adventure in. While formulating the campaign, Jasmine has been creating a precise cocktail of roleplay, problem solving, mythology exploration, and combat.
Indian history, especially historical warfare, has been largely ignored by modern pop culture. Current Dungeons and Dragons content is primarily centered in European medieval mythos with Tolkien-esque battles. The idea here is to expose our viewers to an Eastern medieval history. To this end, the show will draw upon inspirations like the Delhi Sultanate, King Asoka and Alexander the Great’s defeat in India to bring an entirely fresh perspective to the combat side of D&D. We want to feature Desi armor styles, medieval combat and martial customs.


Basic Rules

  1. Follow server Code of Conduct
  2. Be kind to others
  3. No spoilers in titles
    • For spoiler posts, mention the episode number in the title (e.g. [Spoiler E11])
    • The post body can contain any spoiler up to the episode in title
    • Comments should not spoil any episode after the tagged episode
33 subscribers, a community founded 5 days ago
c/[email protected]: Art Graphic Design

All graphic design for you

1 subscribers, a community founded 2 days ago
c/[email protected]: Ranked Choice Voting

News, organization, and discussion about ranked choice voting.

Don't suffer. Fix the problem.

51 subscribers, a community founded 6 days ago
c/[email protected]: Aufmüpfig

Willkommen bei Aufmüpfig! Eine Plattform für rebellische Geister, erschreckende Ideen und verwegene Memes.

Gemeinsam setzen wir uns für soziale Gerechtigkeit, Antikapitalismus, Antifaschismus, Queerfeminismus, Klimagerechtigkeit und eine bessere Welt ein.

Schließ dich uns an und werde Teil dieser aufmüpfigen Community!

48 subscribers, a community founded 6 days ago
c/[email protected]: SpaceMarine
a community founded 2 days ago
c/[email protected]: Finance
1 subscribers, a community founded 3 days ago
c/[email protected]: Invisalign

Treatment with Invisalign consists of wearing removable, clear aligners to move your teeth gradually over time. Invisalign works in the same way as traditional braces, but without the restriction of crunchy, chewy, sticky and sugar food, as the aligners must be removed before eating. What’s more, because they are nearly invisible, the aligners aren’t as noticeable as metal wires and brackets on other types of braces.

1 subscribers, a community founded 4 days ago
c/[email protected]: garg
1 subscribers, a community founded 6 days ago
c/[email protected]: Infosec
3 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/[email protected]: Chloe

Made this sub to practice my drawing skill, it ok.

a community founded 1 year ago
c/[email protected]: Música
a community founded 1 year ago
c/[email protected]: r/GuildWars 2 | Welcome Back

r/GuildWars2 is the primary community for Guild Wars 2 on Reddit. For those not wanting to use Reddit anymore visit one of our partners....

70 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/[email protected]: UsenetInvites
  1. No pirated content.

  2. This subreddit is for sharing usenet related invites only. No account requests/offers, no non-usenet invites.

  3. No trading, buying, or selling. It is not acceptable to trade, buy, or sell invites. Please share what you have freely.

  4. Posts that contain both an offer and a request for invites will be assumed to suggest a trade.

    Start ALL titles with - [W] = Wanted [O] = Offering

  5. See rule #1 This is not the place to discuss content that you have illegally obtained or wish to obtain. We will not tolerate repeat offenders and are ban happy when it comes to this rule.

82 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
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founded 1 year ago